What does "cheese" mean?

Jun 5, 2020
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I was playing an online multiplayer soccer game and the other team won. At the end we all said "gg" and one of the other team's players responded with "cheese." What does that mean in gaming?

This same player has also responded with "ez," regardless of who won. I'm not sure what their intent is with these comments. I know I'm the worst player overall, but at least I score every once in a while, I don't usually score for the other team, and I think I'm pretty good defensively. I just suck at making goals. I often find I need to use other unusual tactics to help the team. I'm not sure these comments are targeting me or not.

My unusual tactics are not considered cheating and they don't guarantee my team will win. I can't score unless I'm in the right place at the right time, so I primarily focus on defense. But I run in front of my opponent to block the ball, ram into them (perfectly legal), and sometimes I simply don't move out of their way. All these things are legal. I change my strategy based on who is on my team as well as the other team. I also tend to back off the ball to let my better teammates attempt to score.
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Cheese'ing a game normally means using a tactic you don't respect very much. For instance, when playing an old Tomb Raider game where there was a VERY small margin of error for making jumps, I would save the game every single time I made a jump. It's not cheating, but it's getting rather close to it.

Though this one is online so you never know. Could be some in-joke on the other team. Or maybe somebody was taking a picture of that player and, instead of saying "cheese", he just typed it. Best not to fret over it.
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OsaX Nymloth

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In terms in RTS games like StarCraft II, cheese refers to low effort strategies that are easy to execute and can win game within first few minutes just by catching opponent off guard. They require sometimes very specific responses and can have multiple "flavors" which makes them even harder to defend against and thus they can win games.

Quite often "cheesing" is cheap and fast way to win games without actually committing to learning the mechanics. Can you defeat better players with them? Sure. But if your cheese fails you're either dead or about to be because your actual game skills are not on the level of your opponent.
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Jun 5, 2020
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Hmmm.... Well that's what I thought cheese meant in this situation, but it still makes no sense. If my team had won, I would think they were talking about me. I didn't notice anything unusual during the game. I don't know if my opponents are onto what I'm doing as I don't think it's obvious. The only thing obvious is that 9 out of 10 times I miss the goal.

It's really frustrating because after three months, I think I'm as good as I ever will be. During another game, another player was saying something about me but I didn't quite understand it as they don't speak very good english. I vaguely remember them saying "you do something and you do nothing." This was after they accidentally knocked the ball into our own goal. I assumed they were blaming me for that and suggesting that I suck.

I think I'm gonna start recording the games from my perspective and reviewing them afterwards to see how bad I am. Then I'll post them on Youtube to see if I can get any helpful feedback from other players.

This is pretty much the only game I play and it's one of my all-time favorites. It's so deflating that I can't get better.

Thanks for the responses.