What did you play last week?

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Jan 13, 2020
Finishing off the lego movie 2 game with my boy, closing in on 100% on that one and once he has gone to bed im trying finish off South Park FBW
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Jan 13, 2020
A little Red Dead 2, Dead Cells, and I picked up The Council for the first time (the latter is very interesting, I'd definitely recommend it to Telltale fans).
Jan 13, 2020
I'm another one only playing RDR2. In single player not online. Can't find time for other games at the moment, the world is big enough that i'm still finding new stuff to see and interact with.
Jan 13, 2020
Finally peeled myself away from Destiny 2 and took on Jedi Fallen Order. Zipping through it, and glad it’s fairly short, because I’m not loving it. Got Wolfenstein II New Colossus in the last steam sale, looking forward to tackling that next before I spend the rest of my life on RDR2
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Dec 18, 2019
Mostly hammering into Warframe again after a nice hiatus, also got myself re-obsessed with Star Wars: The Old Republic despite my brain's pleas
Jan 13, 2020
- Deus Ex (Revision on Steam)

- TIE Fighter Collector's CD-ROM (1995 version with iMuse - GOG Version)

- General Practitioner (ugh... way too many clicks in this game)

- Secret Agent Episode 2 and 3 (MS-DOS version)

- Unreal Tournament 1999 on my still working Pentium III-S 1.4GHz and 3dfx Voodoo5 5500! :cool: This game has not aged, still epic.
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Jan 13, 2020
Been playing a little Fortnite Team Rumble but also some retro Doom with the PS1 mods cause those PS1 sound effects and music make it a totally different (and better) game.
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Jan 13, 2020
Max Payne 1 and 3 (I still need to get back to playing 2, I played 3 first for whatever reason). The first one still holds up, but damn is it brutal. Modern FPS gives you a lot more freedom to take your time, meanwhile Max Payne 1 one shot shotguns you in the chest as you walk round a corner.


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Pathfinder Kingmaker. That one is taking forever because I've got the turn-based mod and, instead of switching to normal play for the easy battles, I'm always using the turn based mode.

Also lots of BattleTech. Now that Heavy Metal is out, the career mode is a lot more interesting.
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I've been playing Watch Dogs 2 so much for the past week or two. It's such a great sandbox game for messing around with NPCs. The dialogue and story is a bit cringey at times, but tolerable. However, the game really shines whenever I am trying to break the NPCs by constantly sending tons of cops and gang members at them, only for it to end up being a huge shootout that goes on for 30 minutes. Just standing in the middle of all the carnage while police are shooting at gang members and vice versa is truly one of the funniest moments in my gaming career. Every now and then i'll call in even more police or gang members just to continue the battle.

The puzzles and exploration is pretty cool too, I guess.
Jan 16, 2020
Been playing a couple of games trying to get back into gaming more.

1.Evoland (Fun but sometimes difficult)
2.The Witcher (Starting the series from first one)
3.Project Cars 2 (Racing used to be my favorite genre and this one helping me find that passion again)
4.Two Point Hospital (I'm playing this like an evil genius and seeing if my hospital can operate with low workers and high prices lol)
5.Whisper of a Machine( This game caught me off guard because I didn't think I like it but it has me engaged fully.
6.Trailemakers (I feel I can like this game a lot but its a lot unknown and has me getting stuck a lot)
7.Yakuza Kiwami (This game is so much fun and has yet to let me down!)
8.The Shrouded Isle (I started this game because I saw on PC Gamer someone was playing it and lord this game is a blast to learn!)
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