What are your operator mains in Rainbow Six Siege?


Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
I bounce around between a bunch of operators, but I always come back to a few favorites. On defense, it's Rook, Mute, Kapkan, Wamai, and Mozzie. On attack I love Jackal, Gridlock, Nomad, Sledge, Capitao, Kali, and Dokkaebi.

I definitely favor intelligence ops more than the most kill-hungry ops like Ash. Mostly because I love cleverly using gadgets. What about you?

PCG Tyler

Executive Editor
Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
On offense I default to Sledge. Catching roamers off guard by busing open a wall while their sights are trained on a door is *chef's kiss.* Getting kills from above the site is good fun, too.

On defense, I default to Frost. Most people are able to avoid her mats, but if you can hold them off until near the end of the round, they get more reckless, and I love of an end-of-round highlight that includes someone flapping around on the floor in a Frost mat. I love double-matting a deployable shield just to be a jerk.

I switch things up depending on the situation. Basement or garage site? Kaid. Or maybe Jäger. Rook or Kapkan if I can't decide who to pick. On offense, if I'm feeling lucky, I'll take Kali, the new sniper. I also like Ash, Hibana, Glaz, and Maverick.


Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
On offense I default to Sledge. Catching roamers off guard by busing open a wall while their sights are trained on a door is *chef's kiss.* Getting kills from above the site is good fun, too.

On defense, I default to Frost. Most people are able to avoid her mats, but if you can hold them off until near the end of the round, they get more reckless, and I love of an end-of-round highlight that includes someone flapping around on the floor in a Frost mat. I love double-matting a deployable shield just to be a jerk.

I switch things up depending on the situation. Basement or garage site? Kaid. Or maybe Jäger. Rook or Kapkan if I can't decide who to pick. On offense, if I'm feeling lucky, I'll take Kali, the new sniper. I also like Ash, Hibana, Glaz, and Maverick.

I think Sledge might be the perfect operator. Fun ability, legitimate counters, not overpowered in any way, but incredibly effective. Buck tends to be more popular, but I'll take Sledge's more accessible weapons any day of the week.
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Community Manager
Nov 25, 2019
I just started playing regularly and am still very much the total noob. I've taken a strong liking to Frost on defense. I'm a natural with her traps and the bullet proof camera is a nice compliment to Valkyrie's set of skills. I'm definitely going to steal your trap strategy @PCG Tyler .

On offense I'm trying to get somewhat good with Thatcher since my squad demands it. I just unlocked him last night, so there is definitely room for improvement. EMPs usually seem like a must though. I've also played as Capitão on offense. I like his beefy LMG and his cross bow special is useful in most situations, except for maybe when it comes to rescuing hostages. Those fires get out of hand fast.
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Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
I just started playing regularly and am still very much the total noob. I've taken a strong liking to Frost on defense. I'm a natural with her traps and the bullet proof camera is a nice compliment to Valkyrie's set of skills. I'm definitely going to steal your trap strategy @PCG Tyler .

On offense I'm trying to get somewhat good with Thatcher since my squad demands it. I just unlocked him last night, so there is definitely room for improvement. EMPs usually seem like a must though. I've also played as Capitão on offense. I like his beefy LMG and his cross bow special is useful in most situations, except for maybe when it comes to rescuing hostages. Those fires get out of hand fast.
Frost is a great starter operator. Her traps require a bit of map knowledge, but the way you can place them and forget them lets you focus on shootin. Thatcher is an eternally useful op for opening up walls for breaching, but I don't worry about bringing one unless we're playing seriously. Otherwise, I prefer when everyone plays whoever sounds fun at the moment. Thankfully, the meta isn't as strict as Overwatch (bring a barrier or you lose).
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Nomad Fomalhaut

Nomad Games
Registered Developer
Dec 12, 2019
Defense: Virgil, Lesion, and Mozzie. I love playing the information disruption game that's halfway between building entry and OBJ. These three allows me to protect myself from giving away my position or, in the case of lesion, give me warning if I'm being pushed.

Offense: Hibana, Sledge, Maverick, Nøkk, and Amaru. I take Hibana simply because I don't trust other people not to get spawnkilled or C4'd, Maverick as a Thatcher alternative, and Sledge, Nøkk, and Amaru for the rush strats - people really don't expect you to be on-site in the first 30 seconds.

I'm trying to play more Maestro too as the Alda is a beautiful weapon if you can handle it.
Jan 13, 2020
No matter how many new operators come out I'll always drift back to Rook and Mute with the MP5 on defence. I'll play whoever offensively, usually just to get the extra credits from the club reward, but when defending those will forever be my guys. That gun is a headshot laser beam.


Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
Defense: Virgil, Lesion, and Mozzie. I love playing the information disruption game that's halfway between building entry and OBJ. These three allows me to protect myself from giving away my position or, in the case of lesion, give me warning if I'm being pushed.

Offense: Hibana, Sledge, Maverick, Nøkk, and Amaru. I take Hibana simply because I don't trust other people not to get spawnkilled or C4'd, Maverick as a Thatcher alternative, and Sledge, Nøkk, and Amaru for the rush strats - people really don't expect you to be on-site in the first 30 seconds.

I'm trying to play more Maestro too as the Alda is a beautiful weapon if you can handle it.
Nice! I also bundle Virgil/Lesion/Mozzie together because they have some of the best defense guns. Interesting to hear Amaru is one of your go-tos for a rush. I've been trying to get better with the SMG-11 to make her feel viable, but I wish the hook was faster/quieter. Limits the moments I can use it too much. I've also been having a blast with Nokk, specifically using her SMG. It's weak, but also has no recoil. Fun for headshots.
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Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
No matter how many new operators come out I'll always drift back to Rook and Mute with the MP5 on defence. I'll play whoever offensively, usually just to get the extra credits from the club reward, but when defending those will forever be my guys. That gun is a headshot laser beam.
You're not wrong! Rook is a frequent fallback for me when I'm not worried about support gadgets and just want to use that MP5.

PCG Evan

Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
Lesion - I love the information play available through his gadget and being able to rack up assists, if I'm honest.

On offense I've put a lot of hours on Thatcher but I've switched to Finka recently partly because I like the biohazard aesthetic.

Nomad Fomalhaut

Nomad Games
Registered Developer
Dec 12, 2019
...Interesting to hear Amaru is one of your go-tos for a rush...

I'm all about that shotgun play. Not that I'm brilliant at the game and speak with authority but I see a lot of the YouTubers complaining that she's bad because they zipline to site and then immediately get shot - I always zipline to an adjacent room or under the OBJ as people are typically still doing final prep things and then I'll sprint to the OBJ and catch people transitioning from the site to wherever they normally like to defend from. They just don't expect you to be there that quick.

The exact same with Nøkk. On Kafe, where they're defending bar you can push up white stairs within 20 seconds and on Villa, where they're defending maps, you can rush from Fountain, through Basement, and up the red stairs and be on site within 20 seconds. People (at least at high Gold/low Plat) just aren't expecting to be engaged that quickly.


Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
I'm all about that shotgun play. Not that I'm brilliant at the game and speak with authority but I see a lot of the YouTubers complaining that she's bad because they zipline to site and then immediately get shot - I always zipline to an adjacent room or under the OBJ as people are typically still doing final prep things and then I'll sprint to the OBJ and catch people transitioning from the site to wherever they normally like to defend from. They just don't expect you to be there that quick.

The exact same with Nøkk. On Kafe, where they're defending bar you can push up white stairs within 20 seconds and on Villa, where they're defending maps, you can rush from Fountain, through Basement, and up the red stairs and be on site within 20 seconds. People (at least at high Gold/low Plat) just aren't expecting to be engaged that quickly.
That's true! I play at the same skill level and get caught off-guard by rushes. I do think Amaru could use a break when it comes to that grapple though. She should be even better at rushes!
Jan 13, 2020
I have to say, although I'm not convinced by the map I'm enjoying the limited time event, it's been great to actually try the operators before spending credits on them (turns out I don't like Nokk as much as I thought I would).

Nomad Fomalhaut

Nomad Games
Registered Developer
Dec 12, 2019
I have to say, although I'm not convinced by the map I'm enjoying the limited time event, it's been great to actually try the operators before spending credits on them (turns out I don't like Nokk as much as I thought I would).

She either fits your style of play or she don't. I feel like she's specific use and people who don't play aggressively won't gel that well with her.

I'm loving the new map. I've loved all of the time-limited events so far. They're just a nice change of pace. I love just standing at the window yelling to my party that there are scary people getting closer.