Weekend Question: Which is better, switching weapons with number keys or the scroll wheel?


Staff member
May 3, 2022
Good morning PC Gamer Forum "fam," every week I ask a Weekend Question of our staff and forums for a regular feature on the site (usually published the Saturday after asking). If you've got an answer you'd like to add for consideration, please share it in this thread!

This week's question is: Which is better, switching weapons with number keys or the scroll wheel?

It's something you probably don't think too much about, how you go from crowbar to 9mm pistol to GEP Gun to The Blade of Kings in an FPS, but on a casual survey I was surprised at just how many mouse wheel switchers we've got on the PC Gamer Staff - it just seems so fiddly and clunky to me! I'm a ride or die number row arsenal manager, with the Q key in reserve as my go-to "switch to last weapon." This method is not without its faults though - with my right hand on the mouse, I heavily favor the left side of my keyboard by WASD. In really old-school FPSes with expansive arsenals that take up the whole row from one to zero, I find I'll favor the pistols and shotguns end of the spectrum while letting my BFGs and Riveters lie fallow.
For me, it really depends on the game. Some games have really slow switching when using the scroll wheel, and I find these are usually games that are heavily console oriented, use a weapon wheel, and aren't ported well control wise to PC.

I find using number keys usually is faster, but in games like Doom Eternal that have a ton of weapons and gadgets, I find it's best to use a few keys close to the nav keys (which is WASD for me), and the mouse thumb buttons for the ones you use most.

That said, I'm perfectly OK with using the scroll wheel in games that don't have a ton of fast twitch, overt combat, like ones that are more stealth oriented.
I'm usually on the mouse wheel because its easy and I often hit the wrong one when I try to use the number keys. Like @Frag Maniac recently in Doom Eternal I was forced to practice with the number keys dues to the speed of it. I liked it a lot, but damn that game was fast and unforgiving.

Been playing Metal Gear Solid V recently and using the keys there too now I think about it, only 1-3 up to where I am now though, and obvs nowhere near as hectic as DE.
Speaking of Doom Eternal, I forgot to mention that though the game had a last weapon key (Q by default I think), it was more often than not buggy and unreliable. Instead of switching to your last weapon it would usually switch to the combat shotgun.

This was one of the main reasons I had to rebind weapons by putting the most used ones on keys near WASD. At one point I tried using macros on my Bloody B840 keyboard which I had just purchased at the time I was having this weapon switching bug with Doom Eternal.

I was able to bind multiple weapons in a sequence where I could just tap one key to start the sequence, then the same key again to end it. It could be done with super fast switching too, however I ended up not using it because it made my combat lazy and less effective.

I ended up making a full game walkthrough of Doom Eternal on Nightmare because many were saying fast switching of multiple weapons and fancy aerial combat was too hard. I wanted to show them it could be beaten by just switching two guns and no aerial combat.

Doom Eternal is fast, but you can employ a fair bit of strategy just by clearing one small area at a time, then moving to the next, and knowing when and where heavies spawn. That doesn't mean it won't be tough at times, like against Marauders, but it makes it easier.

If anyone is struggling with Doom Eternal, or is on the fence about buying it due to difficulty, this walkthrough might help. It uses moderately paced switching between Super Shotgun and Ballista for enemies like Marauders. If it feels you need to do it faster, maybe try macros.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I don't go for melee or BFG style play, so my primary weapons are almost always an AR and a shotgun in slots 1 & 2. I have scroll wheel muscle memory deeply embedded for those two, which is necessary because I traverse mostly on foot.

When I need a sniper or bow or launcher weapon, I press the 3 or 4 key—it's almost never a time-critical move, so the delay of moving fingers from WASD to the correct key isn't an issue.

Selecting explosives like grenades, molotovs etc is always a KB job via keys 5-0, whereas weird or seldom-used stuff like a fishing rod or repair tool are weapon wheel material.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Hands down, it's the scroll wheel for switching weapons. It's much faster (for me) as I don't have to change either of my hands positioning, just slightly flex the middle finger on my right hand. Plus, I like to keep my left hand resting on the W-S-A-D keys and any other movement associated keys (ALT, Shift, CTRL, Space, ect). Depending upon the game, the list of keys my left hand is responsible for can be lengthy.

I'll still bind weapons to the number keys and use them occasionally, with the most frequently used ones in numbers 1-4. But trying to hit the 7-8-9-0 keys in the heat of battle is just way too cumbersome for me to be effective.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I use number keys/other easy access keys for most of the more action-paced games I play that rely on swapping through several weapons or skills fast. If only a couple of weapons to cycle through, I'll use the scroll wheel.

Here is a fun fact: Did you guys know you could actually use the endless scroll wheel (Logitech G502 Hero got one) for shooting in some games? In the Battle Royale games called Super People for example (before it got patched) you could not only swap your weapons with the scroll wheel, but you could also shoot as fast as you could scroll the mouse wheel. Since it didn't stop when you scrolled, you could basically shoot some guns so fast that a semi-automatic weapon would literarily sound like an automatic weapon.
Here is a fun fact: Did you guys know you could actually use the endless scroll wheel (Logitech G502 Hero got one) for shooting in some games? In the Battle Royale games called Super People for example (before it got patched) you could not only swap your weapons with the scroll wheel, but you could also shoot as fast as you could scroll the mouse wheel. Since it didn't stop when you scrolled, you could basically shoot some guns so fast that a semi-automatic weapon would literarily sound like an automatic weapon.

That reminds me of Gunz Online, the game that took the phrase "it's not a feature, it's a bug" and ran with it. In Gunz, when switching weapons, the weapon you switched to would always be fully reloaded and there was also no delay between switching weapons. Also, every player had a sword that could deflect bullets. This meant that the dominant strategy was to jump around the levels while switching between the sword and a gun as fast as you could so you could shoot and deflect incoming bullets at the same time.
May 1, 2023
I prefer the scroll. Some games the keys are fine, but many games have to many keys imo for keyboard and is hard during a fight to try and move your hand all over the board and back to movement keys and not place your fingers wrong and or die. I normally place my main used weapons in load out so easy scroll up/ back switch 2 main weaps. most all my loadouts if/ are [top kb numbers- not number pad] #1 blade- #2 pistole- #3 long gun/ assault etc- #4 sniper- #5 nades if not other key like G which I normally change to maybe mouse button 5- #6 rocket launcher etc- Some games have more or less weap loadout slots, if more I might use last 2 for health and anti-radiation aid.

I like the fact my mouse has a few extra buttons and can adjust the DPI for normal or snipe etc. I use mouse wheel click and or mouse button 4 for diff things- maybe melee /kick or other for block etc. depends on how many key binds the games have. Some twitch fast paced games I think is best to use as few keys and close to fingers as possible vs have to pick up and move hand all over the board. R reload- E use- R Shift run- R Ctrl crouch maybe double click for prone- Space jump- WSAD etc. Just depends on the game and what is needed most and what I might set my mouse buttons for. I might even move health and anti rad to 1 of my mouse keys for a game like Stalker and can easy to die fast if hit or sickness. Some things are not really often used so can be moved to odd keys imo Z X C V F T G etc. I prefer to keep all away from my Space key so not by accident hit them if excited and or twitch playing- V B N etc. Can piss yah off, in intense battle and accident hit V and something like mic chat pop up and you get dead. IMO, some devs should stay away from FPS or even 3rd view shooter and or A-RPG games, and maybe go with or stick to turn base top downs side scrollers point click move etc type games and all the key binds they wish. Its not good other than for those type games.

Some games Q or Tab might bring up a loadout wheel and can pick weap etc. I still prefer just to scroll my mouse. I think some devs hate PC players and take joy and in his mind its fun to make a mini side game out of 100 key binds and make actual play more difficult or frustrating, especially in a fast-paced shooter it only helps you to get killed faster. Yah you have more keys on board and mouse but does not mean you have to try and use them all- please. I have never seen a pro FPS player on pc use a game pad- ever. I do not think there is such a thing as a pro FPS player on a console and if so cant compete against a Kb-M player. The console devs might have just console players said pro tourneys on just its platform. Many pro Tourneys for cash and or prizes might not allow such a match between cross platforms anyway- the game pad player uses aim assist- mouse players do not need it. Aim assist in truth is a form of aim bot. Game pads are better if say driving cars or flying or hand to hand melee type stuff- as for shooting and or twitch shooting its all keyboard and mouse. I have never used a game pad but from what I do use and from talking to others is what I feel seems accurate. Has been times I thought of get and try a microsoft game pad for pc- only to sit back from sofa maybe, or for melee drive fly games- but I would only want wired- no battery or recharge for me. But is hard to find today and they cost crazy high imo.
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While playing competitive multiplayer games I have to use the number keys and disable scroll wheel, I get anxious I might accidentally slip and change weapons in the middle of a firefight. Single player games or co-op games, I generally like using scroll wheel. It’s less strain on my fingers to use scroll wheel rather than have to reach all the way across to 6 or 7 to equip it my grenade.
May 1, 2023
disable scroll wheel. I get anxious I might accidentally slip and change weapons in the middle of a firefight.

I can feel yah. Thats a good idea. Some mouses the scroll is a more defined click as they scroll, or tighter hard spring type mechanism whatever it might be called. It would be hard to just buy every mouse on earth to find such, unless at say a micro center and can test them or friends have them and can try them out.

I stopped semi competitive MP years ago mostly because of cheater programs most seem to use. My post a little long maybe. I do get frustrated and even lose interest in some games because they have way too many key binds. Or have to move your hand fingers in odd position to use certain features needed to actually fight, like trying to bend your fingers down or backwards for say Z X C V or even L Alt in some games- L alt might be used hit with thumb but is not normal for most games or genre I play. Like you I also do not like trying to reach all the way over or past say 4 or 5 top of board. After that my short fingers pretty much come off all the keys.

Some said really great games have over 2 full pages of key binds- granted many driving flying keys are the same as on foot. Many games still have way too many keys for a FPS or A-RPG type game. I might try and play them and get past the learning curve but mostly frustrates me and having to look at the keys written down and is 2 pages trying to find the right key- all while trying to fight- you might be able to pause but still is over the top imo, and not possible if MP. I will delete and maybe never try and play them again. Some games was pretty cool but little thought went into keyboard lay out or practicality or ease of use. An old and still great thought in life is- "Keep it simple- Stupid." Or maybe devs pick another genre and place all the extra keys their heart desires.
I use number keys/other easy access keys for most of the more action-paced games I play that rely on swapping through several weapons or skills fast. If only a couple of weapons to cycle through, I'll use the scroll wheel.

Here is a fun fact: Did you guys know you could actually use the endless scroll wheel (Logitech G502 Hero got one) for shooting in some games? In the Battle Royale games called Super People for example (before it got patched) you could not only swap your weapons with the scroll wheel, but you could also shoot as fast as you could scroll the mouse wheel. Since it didn't stop when you scrolled, you could basically shoot some guns so fast that a semi-automatic weapon would literarily sound like an automatic weapon.

Destiny 2 now kicks you out of certain places if you use your scroll wheel like that. I have the G502 and if i use it to cycle thru weapons fast in certain areas of the game (the commonplace called The Tower for example), i get kicked from wherever i am to orbit. Probably has something to do with Bungie thinking its cheating, but idk for sure.

As for the question at hand, im a numbers key guy. I have made mistakes that have killed me trying to switch with the scroll wheel (going by what i need/want at that moment for example) but i also like using Q as someone mentioned earlier.
I can feel yah. Thats a good idea. Some mouses the scroll is a more defined click as they scroll, or tighter hard spring type mechanism whatever it might be called. It would be hard to just buy every mouse on earth to find such, unless at say a micro center and can test them or friends have them and can try them out.
I used to have an old Logitech mouse that had a button to switch the scroll wheel between “clicky mode” and “smooth mode” which got rid of the notch in each turn (edit: it was a Logitech G500, what a beast of a mouse!). It was super useful for scrolling down long websites and was funny to switch weapons insanely fast while waiting for a match to start. I wish more mice had that standard but I can see people not liking it for hitting it on accident too many times.

A great game shouldn’t be measured by how many different controls it has. If that were the case, the ARMA games would be considered the best games of all time :ROFLMAO:

I think it all comes down to personal discipline. If a game you enjoy playing or want to get into has a ton of controls, you will take time to learn them. I don’t play many games that require you to button mash, so when I first started to play Elder Scrolls Online, I was overwhelmed with how many abilities you could have and need to constantly use. The game was so fun though so I took time to learn how to bind each of my abilities to my number keys and memorize which ones did which and when I need to press them. Eventually I became a very skilled healer with tons of abilities to choose from, and I memorized them all.

You shouldn’t have to do this with every game though, there are many great games with very simple controls. The problem is when it becomes too complicated that you have to resort to the control settings screen every 5 minutes because you forgot how to make your character stand up straight again.
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May 13, 2023
Switching weapons with number keys:

  • Precision: Using number keys allows for precise and immediate weapon selection. You can directly switch to the desired weapon without cycling through other options.
  • Muscle memory: If you consistently use the same keybindings across different games, your muscle memory can be trained to quickly and accurately switch to specific weapons without hesitation.
  • No accidental changes: With number keys, there is a lower chance of accidentally scrolling past a weapon or selecting the wrong one, as you have direct control over the selection.
Switching weapons with the scroll wheel:

  • Fluidity: The scroll wheel provides a continuous range of options, allowing for smooth scrolling through your weapons. It can be especially useful if you have many weapons or items to cycle through quickly.
  • Versatility: The scroll wheel can also be used for other in-game actions like zooming, adjusting inventory, or activating special abilities, depending on the game. This versatility can save you from using additional keybindings.
  • Accessibility: For some players, using the scroll wheel may be more comfortable and intuitive than pressing specific number keys.
  • Like
Reactions: Lil Dyslexic doG
May 16, 2023
The choice between using the scroll wheel or number keys to switch weapons in a video game ultimately depends on personal preference and what feels more comfortable for you. Both methods have their pros and cons, so let's take a look at them:

Scroll Wheel:

  • Pros: The scroll wheel allows for quick and fluid weapon switching. It provides a smooth, continuous motion, making it easy to cycle through your available weapons rapidly. It can be particularly useful in fast-paced games where quick reactions are crucial.
  • Cons: The scroll wheel can sometimes be imprecise, especially if it's sensitive or if you accidentally scroll too far, leading to selecting the wrong weapon. It may take some time to get used to scrolling accurately without overshooting.
Number Keys:

  • Pros: Number keys offer precise and direct weapon selection. Once you become familiar with the key bindings, you can quickly and accurately switch to the desired weapon without the risk of accidentally selecting the wrong one. It provides a consistent method that doesn't rely on scrolling sensitivity.
  • Cons: Number keys might require more finger movement and may not be as fluid as the scroll wheel when it comes to rapid switching. It can be more challenging to cycle through a large number of weapons or items quickly.
Ultimately, it's recommended to experiment with both methods and see which one feels more natural and comfortable for you. Many games also offer customizable key bindings, allowing you to assign weapon switching to either the scroll wheel or number keys based on your preference. You can also consider using a combination of both, assigning frequently used weapons to number keys and less commonly used ones to the scroll wheel. It's all about finding the approach that enhances your gameplay experience and maximizes your efficiency. I trhink I use both depending on which game I am playing and sometimes when hardware starts to wear out you may find yourself having to use a method you did nto prefer lol. I have had to do this many time.


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