Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] Coming to Steam 3/27. UNIST Owners will recieve free upgrade.

Today Under Night In-Birth developers French Bread announced that Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] (Known colloquially in the FGC as UNICLR), the latest iteration in the Under Night series, will be getting a PC release on 3/27. If you own the previous iteration, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st], it will automatically upgrade to Uniclr when the patch comes out. The upgrade includes new attacks and balance changes for each character, along with a reset of the rank leaderboards. However it does not come with the first new DLC character Londrakia who must be purchased separately, but will be available at launch. New character color packs will also be available and there are two separate DLC bundles, one for those that already own Unist, and one for player who haven't purchased it yet. No prices have been announced yet, but Londrakia is currently $8.99 on the PSN Store. Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late[st] is currently $40 on steam.

The UNIST gained some recognition last year when a dedicated competitive community brought up its tournament numbers enough that it earned a spot on the coveted Evolution Championship Series's (Evo) main stage, which only has 9 slots each year. Over a 1,000 players participated in the tournament and UNICLR was announced to be a mainstage game in 2020 before it was even released.

I'm excited to get my hands on this latest iteration of the series. It's the first fighting game I really came to enjoy on PC after trying SF and BlazBlue Central Fiction. Learning core mechanics and watching a health amount of Core-A-Gaming gave me a new found respect for the genre and it's high level players (of which I am absolutly not a member of). I was just staring to learn Carmine in ST but I feel like I can wait on that now. The PC player base for ST went down quite a bit when CLR came out on PS4 last month but many players will be returning due to the reduced input lag PC affords.

Any UNIST Players here?
Jan 17, 2020
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I thought this day would never come. At least they're updating the Windows port. It's hard to pick fighting games to play in addition to my main one, that one takes up most of my time.
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I thought this day would never come. At least they're updating the Windows port. It's hard to pick fighting games to play in addition to my main one, that one takes up most of my time.

I was worried we would have to wait another 6 months like with the last game. Only 2 months is quite the improvement. GranBlue Fantasy Versus will also be out in a few days. It's a good month for PC fighting game fans.

What is your main fighting game?
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Jan 17, 2020
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My main game is the King of Fighters series. Having friends played a big role in finding a game to play. Before I played KOF I had no one on my friends list that played fighting games. Now I look at the section on Steam that shows which friends have what game before buying a game or asking for a match. I have a lot of people that played or own UNIST, so I wouldn't have a shortage if I decided to start playing it. Plus my local has a monthly for it so that's a bonus.
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My main game is the King of Fighters series. Having friends played a big role in finding a game to play. Before I played KOF I had no one on my friends list that played fighting games. Now I look at the section on Steam that shows which friends have what game before buying a game or asking for a match. I have a lot of people that played or own UNIST, so I wouldn't have a shortage if I decided to start playing it. Plus my local has a monthly for it so that's a bonus.

You should check it out. The vorpal system is a great mechanic that I haven't seen in any other fighters yet, and the discord community is amazing for supporting the game. Pretty much ever character is competitively viable too. Rikir placed 5 at Evo last year in ST with Enkidu, which is considered the worst character in the game, and 7 different characters made top 8.


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