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Community Contributor
A lot of strategy games have no story or simply throw out a "make your own story" blurb. Others have pretty strong stories. What strategy games have the best stories? (And yes, tactical RPGs like Blackguards straddle the rpg/strategy genres. You'll have to decide yourself whether it's more one or the other. )


(Not that I'm biasing the answers. I'm sure you're all strong willed enough to resist a little suggestion. ;))
Starcraft, Warcraft 2 and 3. Maybe its just the age I was then but I also remember being fascinated by the Command and Conquer and Red Alert stories. FMV in games felt so advanced in the nineties I wanted to get through the levels just to see the cut scenes.

Also Endless Legend has a really interesting setting and factions, but I never really got all the way into it. Its one of those games I keep installed and always intend to really spend some time with but never really do.


Community Contributor
I was thinking about the Endless games, but they don't really tell a story exactly. It's mostly just world (errr... galaxy) building.

XCom 1 and 2 both tell pretty good stories. Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children starts a good story but I wouldn't call it great yet, they need to do the rest of the story.

Valkyria Chronicles 4 tells a good story, too. A lot of folks call that game a JRPG but I really don't see anything RPG'ish about it.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I also remember being fascinated by the Command and Conquer and Red Alert stories. FMV in games felt so advanced in the nineties I wanted to get through the levels just to see the cut scenes.

Also Endless Legend has a really interesting setting and factions, but I never really got all the way into it. Its one of those games I keep installed and always intend to really spend some time with but never really do
I could quote your entire post and say "Thanks for saving my the typing" :)

I enjoyed the C&C/RA setups too, and especially the way they had fun with it.

I will get back to Endless Legend—beautiful looker too—sometime, I will, I will. So many factions, so little time…
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