Steam is the original, the innovator. They launched Workshop in year 8 (and remember those early years didn't see them with that many customers) and have continually improved it. It's easier for Epic to do things more quickly because they have a pace setter in front of them. They have the example to work from that Valve didn't have. And yet, after 3 years, their store still lacks many basic features. Some of those basic features Sweeney swears he will never have in his store, like customer comments and reviews. I suppose this isn't surprising since he has most of Twitter blocked and generally has expressed a low opinion of gamers.
Heh, steam has a ton of issues. While it is father along as a "social platform" It is hardly a wonderful place. The forums for most games are either completely dead outside of a random lurker or with popular games are filled with trolls telling you how horrible said game is and doing nothing but arguing with people and basically having an over all negative effect on the game and it's community.
While i do tend to try to make good reviews and most of the time it's because i actually enjoyed the game and i get a random person that it might help on the very rare occasion. Most are completely pointless, check out peoples reviews how many they just rail against games they have 100's or 1k's of hours in or stuff that's completely unhelpful. Must buy, or are you wining son, so helpful.. sometimes you have to scroll through a 100 to find something even remotely helpful. For example, A side scroller that has very difficult jumps and someone points that out, or maybe the game has QTE's if you can even find the info with out spoilers galore. Even the basic rating system is completely flawed. Lots of games don't even generate reviews. Some of my favorite games don't even have 100 yet sold 10k+ copies which is often better it's far easier to find a couple helpful ones verse games that have 25k.
The only thing i wish epic would get, which it does have now but games have to add them to the client are Achievements because i find them fun. If i need a review or a forum there are tons of places i can get that already.
a cart would be nice too, but honestly having to click a couple times isn't the biggest deal, but I'm not sure why that one isn't in.
Another thing i would like to see is a player profile improvement, think about the old myspace pages. Steam is getting a bit better but it's pretty lacking even 20 years later i can't even post basic stuff with out going to specific game forums outside of a single posting thread and maybe then make sure you level up enough to unlock something that possibly help, but even those profile additions are very limited. My space did it 25 years ago hell i think my AOL page was more intersting than my steam page today and i have added everything i can to make it semi interesting and even still i think i have more info in this silly forum post so not really trailblazing.
People don't get blocked because they are just sharing happy thoughts. It's not gamers that he has a low opinion, it's trolls and there is a huge difference. I'm getting to the point that i don't even want to bother trying to help folks any more because even simple posts of someone having an issue gets filled with trolls telling them they suck, or learn to play or are dumb.. It's quite troubling. the internet was always a bit crass but the difference between now and the early 2k's is night and day and not in a good way.