Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC worth the price?

Dec 3, 2020
In last 7 months I finished Cyberpunk 2077 twice, finished Witcher 3 and its expansions for the third time, completed Saints Row 3 remastered, 4 & Gat out of hell once. Although the last one was like a speed run to finish the story. Now I have added RDR2 in my steam cart. Just needed some advice from people who actually played it on PC especially. I would have bought it without much thoughts, but the game is still expensive even after 3 years of release and that too standard edition. Not even thinking about ultimate edition as I am not interested in RDR2 online. I may miss a few single player missions, but I don't think that makes ultimate edition worth the 60% extra cost. Please correct me if I am wrong though.
I bought CP2077 on release for lesser price from GOG ( GOG is usually more expensive for me than steam ). Is the game that good that it's price is still on the expensive side? Do you think RDR2 offers enough content for me to play for next few months atleast? Witcher 3 was perfect for me in terms of content. But expected a bit more from CP2077. Saints row games were finished very quickly, and the side content got repetitive pretty quickly for me.

This is how I rate the games listed above. W3 >>CP2077>>>SR3>SR4>>>SRGoH. So for a fan of open world games with RPG elements and good story, will RDR2 prove worthy enough for the money paid? Thanks in advance for the guidance.
Jan 14, 2020
In last 7 months I finished Cyberpunk 2077 twice, finished Witcher 3 and its expansions for the third time, completed Saints Row 3 remastered, 4 & Gat out of hell once. Although the last one was like a speed run to finish the story. Now I have added RDR2 in my steam cart. Just needed some advice from people who actually played it on PC especially. I would have bought it without much thoughts, but the game is still expensive even after 3 years of release and that too standard edition. Not even thinking about ultimate edition as I am not interested in RDR2 online. I may miss a few single player missions, but I don't think that makes ultimate edition worth the 60% extra cost. Please correct me if I am wrong though.
I bought CP2077 on release for lesser price from GOG ( GOG is usually more expensive for me than steam ). Is the game that good that it's price is still on the expensive side? Do you think RDR2 offers enough content for me to play for next few months atleast? Witcher 3 was perfect for me in terms of content. But expected a bit more from CP2077. Saints row games were finished very quickly, and the side content got repetitive pretty quickly for me.

This is how I rate the games listed above. W3 >>CP2077>>>SR3>SR4>>>SRGoH. So for a fan of open world games with RPG elements and good story, will RDR2 prove worthy enough for the money paid? Thanks in advance for the guidance.

RDR2 has a lot of content; the question becomes whether or not it's content you would enjoy. It is slower paced than Cyberpunk, Saint's Row games, and probably even Witcher 3. I haven't beaten it yet myself, though that's mainly because I got tired of my settings getting messed up every time they patched it, causing it to crash on me, so I switched over to finishing The Witcher 3. Now I have a new video card and SSD, and am preparing to reinstall it and give it another go. I know nothing about an "ultimate" edition, but like you said, I doubt it's worth paying 60% more.

When you factor in the DLC, I think Witcher 3 had considerably more content, or at least more varied. A lot of RDR2 missions are just variations on a theme. Which I know happened in W3 (and every other game), but I feel like the familiarity is more obvious in RDR2, simply because there are only so many ways to mix it up when it comes to robbery, shootouts, and chases on horseback.

I think the real question needs to be, "Do I want to play a game where I'm dealing with horses most of the time, and wandering and hunting the rest of the time, in a sprawling country vista?" The game is gorgeous and laid back (most of the time), so if that's what you want to play, I'd say go for it. If not, then no amount of content will make it more worthwhile, I don't think. (FWIW, I bought it not long after its release on PC and don't regret it; I only wish I'd waited until the slew of patches had subsided.)

Not sure if this answers your question, but I like the story, I like the characters, and even though I haven't finished it, I think I generally enjoyed it more than Cyberpunk. But again, it's a slow burn.
Dec 3, 2020
RDR2 has a lot of content; the question becomes whether or not it's content you would enjoy. It is slower paced than Cyberpunk, Saint's Row games, and probably even Witcher 3. I haven't beaten it yet myself, though that's mainly because I got tired of my settings getting messed up every time they patched it, causing it to crash on me, so I switched over to finishing The Witcher 3. Now I have a new video card and SSD, and am preparing to reinstall it and give it another go. I know nothing about an "ultimate" edition, but like you said, I doubt it's worth paying 60% more.

When you factor in the DLC, I think Witcher 3 had considerably more content, or at least more varied. A lot of RDR2 missions are just variations on a theme. Which I know happened in W3 (and every other game), but I feel like the familiarity is more obvious in RDR2, simply because there are only so many ways to mix it up when it comes to robbery, shootouts, and chases on horseback.

I think the real question needs to be, "Do I want to play a game where I'm dealing with horses most of the time, and wandering and hunting the rest of the time, in a sprawling country vista?" The game is gorgeous and laid back (most of the time), so if that's what you want to play, I'd say go for it. If not, then no amount of content will make it more worthwhile, I don't think. (FWIW, I bought it not long after its release on PC and don't regret it; I only wish I'd waited until the slew of patches had subsided.)

Not sure if this answers your question, but I like the story, I like the characters, and even though I haven't finished it, I think I generally enjoyed it more than Cyberpunk. But again, it's a slow burn.

Thank you for such a detailed response. I have heard RDR2 story is on a slower side, but if it's good I don't think I'll mind it.
I know that similar side quests are very common in Open world games. In fact W3 & CP2077 had a lot of those as you said, but I never felt bored playing those. But the same can't be said about games like Saints row, for which the side quests got boring very quick.. After the first few hours, I wanted to finish the story and get it over with. But it also lacked the the variety and the quality of open world that W3 or CP2077 offered which made exploring them enjoyable. If RDR2 world is like that, I guess I will enjoy it.
Dec 3, 2020
So I have decided to give RDR2 a try. It's a huge game at 112 GB on steam. I have a decent internet, so download completed in a few hours. The whole Rockstar launcher thing took time to update and launch.
The game played smooth enough for me to play well. I didn't changed any default settings yet and the game looks good although I it's mostly just snow so far. The characters looks good. Hopefully when the snow is over, everything still looks good. Just coming of CP & W3, the controls feels a bit awkward for me. I think a few hours will make me more familiar with it.
I played a couple of quests and I got the glimpse of the 'slow gameplay' I read about a few places as when I looted items from the house in the first quest, I thought looting could have been a faster process like in W3, instead of too realistic and slow. But I am fine with it and can't expect all the games to work the same. A bit confused with horse controls too, but I am sure I will get the hang of it. The health / stamina bars looks too small for my eyes, may just because of my familiarity with huge health bars in W3. So I guess I need some time to get familiar with the game play and interface. Otherwise I am happy with everything so far. Looks like an interesting storyline. I hope the whole snow part end fast though because I want to enjoy the real beauty of the RDR2 world.
I downloaded an official RDR2 companion for android. But only the journal & progress section were found remotely useful. Unable to access the map section. Manual seems like only for consoles. I think this app is still only compatible with consoles.
The game is absolutely gorgeous and its worth in its own right to just ride around on a horse and get pretty screen shots lol. I put off RDR2 until i got a 30xx series card, now that i have it, i ve been testing out RD online and it looks amazing at max settings with all the ray tracing/dlss bells and whistles it has to offer. I havent purchased the game yet, but it often goes on sale and ill probably pick it up then. But from what i have done in the online part, its worth it imo, more so than Cyberpunk and i have that already. If you like the western vibe, i dont see why you wouldnt play it, if you hate westerns then no reason to play it.


Community Contributor
In last 7 months I finished Cyberpunk 2077 twice, finished Witcher 3 and its expansions for the third time, completed Saints Row 3 remastered, 4 & Gat out of hell once.
Good taste! There will be a Steam sale soon (and GOG is already going) so a few more ideas to let you stock up a little while the games are cheap...
  • Batman: Arkham City
  • Mad Max
  • Just Cause 2 and 3 (I haven't tried 4 yet)
  • Yakuza series
  • Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain
  • Valley (short'n sweet)
  • The latest two or three Assassin's Creed games
  • Middle Earth: Shadow Of War
  • Watch Dogs 2
Saints Row 2 is good with the Gentlemen of the Row mod to fix the bad port, but there's supposed to be a better, official port showing up soon.
Dec 3, 2020
The game is absolutely gorgeous and its worth in its own right to just ride around on a horse and get pretty screen shots lol. I put off RDR2 until i got a 30xx series card, now that i have it, i ve been testing out RD online and it looks amazing at max settings with all the ray tracing/dlss bells and whistles it has to offer. I havent purchased the game yet, but it often goes on sale and ill probably pick it up then. But from what i have done in the online part, its worth it imo, more so than Cyberpunk and i have that already. If you like the western vibe, i dont see why you wouldnt play it, if you hate westerns then no reason to play it.
Yes.. I agree.. I just started chapter 2 and it's gorgeous.. It's not a fast paced game like W3 or CP, but this is a refreshing change for me. I am still getting used to all the controls and game mechanics, but I am enjoying it. I like the western story so far. But haven't progressed the main story a lot yet. Just exploring a bit and getting to know what all is possible in the game.
Mine is a mid range gaming laptop, so not really interested in the highest graphics. Decent graphics with playable performance is all I need. After installed the game by default it was ultra graphic settings. When I benchmarked it gave an avg 37fps at 1920*1080p. I tweaked some gfx settings and I got it up to 49fps. That's more than I could ask for on my laptop and the game still looks amazing. In fact it wasn't that bad for me at 37fps on ultra settings.
Regarding online, I never play online multiplayer games. I prefer single player games and the story motivates me to finish the game.
Good taste! There will be a Steam sale soon (and GOG is already going) so a few more ideas to let you stock up a little while the games are cheap...
  • Batman: Arkham City
  • Mad Max
  • Just Cause 2 and 3 (I haven't tried 4 yet)
  • Yakuza series
  • Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain
  • Valley (short'n sweet)
  • The latest two or three Assassin's Creed games
  • Middle Earth: Shadow Of War
  • Watch Dogs 2
Saints Row 2 is good with the Gentlemen of the Row mod to fix the bad port, but there's supposed to be a better, official port showing up soon.

Thank you for the suggestions. I will be on RDR2 for next few months, but I will be adding many of these on my to do for future.
  • Batman: Arkham City - I wanted to play Arkham series, but never got a chance. Should give a try later.
  • Mad Max - I didn't know about this game. It looks great. Will give a try later.
  • Just cause - Have played 2, but not 3. I liked it, Will give 3 a try later.
  • Yakuza - This one really grabs my attention. It looks like a great premise. Are the games stand alone or need to play in order to enjoy well? Which one is the best if I want to try 1 or 2?
  • Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain - It looks good. Added to list.
  • Valley - Never heard of it. Is it really good?
  • Assassins creed - Have played 1-3 and origins. Loved it, especially origins as I love the Egyptian mythology. But I never played odyssey and Valhalla mainly due to price ( Odyssey is still around ₹3k / $50 on steam) and also heard gameplay is similar to origin but a different theme. Maybe will try Valhalla a few months later when it's more affordable.
  • Middle Earth - I love LotR movies, but wasn't sure about the game. Is it worth trying?
  • Watch Dogs 2 - I got this for free on an offer from ubisoft just before the release of WD legion, but never got a chance to properly play. I have to give a try later.
I finished saints row 3,4 & GoH recently and liked 3 & 4 especially story and the overall gameplay. But I don't think I'll play it again any time soon. May be after a year or 2. I heard about SR2 and the mod. But didn't try. Just watched a video on YT to get an idea about the story and started with SR3.

you can see at the address
Thanks. But I already downloaded the game and started playing. :)


Community Contributor
Arkham Asylum is the first in the Batman series from Rockstar but it isn't very open world so I didn't list it.

The Yakuza series would be best played in order. Luckily, Yakuza 0 is a really good entry. The main story line is serious and intense while the side missions are crazy, off-the-wall stuff. Fighting is almost all done hand to hand, similar to a fighting game. Come to think of it, it's a bit like Saints Row 3 and Jade Empire had a child. There's also an absolutely stunning number of mini-games you can play.

Valley has some really pretty sections. It's fun but it isn't very long. Though, now that I think about it, it's really more of a shooter with puzzle solving. The world isn't all that open.

I played Assassin's Creed: Odyssey but not Origins so I can't comment on how similar they are. Anyone else?

The Middle Earth games are fun stuff. The first one gets laughably easy about half way through, when you learn to forcibly recruit orcs to your side. The second game handles that a lot better. There's some good LotR lore in there, too, though some of it is a bit dubious.

I got WD2 for free, too. It's a neat way to visit San Francisco. The story is rather messed up, but it's got some fun character moments and the gameplay is good stuff.

Anyway, hope you have fun!
Jun 13, 2021
I have beat RDR2 previously. The game has a lot of "handwork" and beautiful world but overall I can give it a 6 of 10. Not because it's bad or something, I just don't enjoy such games much - they are boring for me. ( for comparison - I would give GTA5 around 9 of 10)
I stopped playing Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 because I was bored by their dialogues. Almost same thing with RDR2, but luckily - dialogues in this game are usually happening in some action and not just sitting somewhere and talking for 1-5 minutes. Again - not saying those games are bad.
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Dec 3, 2020
I have beat RDR2 previously. The game has a lot of "handwork" and beautiful world but overall I can give it a 6 of 10. Not because it's bad or something, I just don't enjoy such games much - they are boring for me. ( for comparison - I would give GTA5 around 9 of 10)
I stopped playing Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 because I was bored by their dialogues. Almost same thing with RDR2, but luckily - dialogues in this game are usually happening in some action and not just sitting somewhere and talking for 1-5 minutes. Again - not saying those games are bad.
Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. I love Witcher series and Cyberpunk for its story more than the gameplay, not just main story the side quest stories as well. And the dialogues and cutscenes play a significant part for that. I love the witcher lore so much that I have read every Witcher books as well.
I love GTA games, but not as much as the Witcher or CP and that after playing all GTA games since vice city. I love GTA gameplay, but the story even though good didn't reach the level of W3 (My opinion) and the best among them for me is San Andreas. I always thought GTA games are more popular because of gameplay than the story.
For me W3 is 9.5/10, CP is 8/10, GTA5 is 7/10. RDR2 I am still in Chapter 2 and loving it so far. But not enough to give a rating yet.