PS5 vs Own Build

Dec 16, 2020
Can people tell me what the pros and cons are to building my own gaming machine or going with a PS5.

I know that the ps5 is super easy as its just plug and play but what about costs?

If I spent the cost of the ps5 on pc parts would I end up with a better or worse performing machine?
Nov 15, 2020
A PS5 equivalent PC (Basically a current-gen CPU with SSD and RTX 2060 or RTX 2060 Super) would be a two or three hundred (US) dollars more than the PS5 but you make up those costs thanks to the added non-gaming abilities of a PC.

About costs, games are usually cheaper on PC and go on sale much more often and at much higher price cuts while consoles are basically loss-leaders where the costs are recouped by the higher cost of the software (PS5 games are going to cost 70 USD for the standard editions alone).

Not to mention you can always upgrade your parts, so a few years down the road, you can infuse a huge boost to your PC's performance with a new graphics card or more RAM, new CPU, etc. but with a PS5, you're basically stuck with what you get on day 1.

You can watch this video by Digital Foundry's Alex Battaglia to see next-gen console features compared with PC and how they match up.

Dec 16, 2020
Only just saw this reply. Thanks for getting back to me.

I already have the Ryzen 5 3600 and 16GB or 3666 RAM so all i need really is a good GPU.

I am still leaning towards a PS5 though. These scalpers in the UK are scum though and it will stay like this for a while though with this new lockdown.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
If you need a PC—desktop or laptop—anyway, then it makes little sense to go console for gaming.
Spend the extra the console would cost on beefing up the PC so it will cover gaming as well.

If you don't need a PC, then a console makes sense if:
You won't be buying many games over the next ~7 years—so game cost won't make console more expensive;
You don't need the best graphics, good enough is good enough;
Mods don't interest you;
There's an exclusive game you must have access to;
You play mostly console-friendly genres like fighting and racing—any games that do well with limited controls.
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Dec 16, 2020
If you need a PC—desktop or laptop—anyway, then it makes little sense to go console for gaming.
Spend the extra the console would cost on beefing up the PC so it will cover gaming as well.

If you don't need a PC, then a console makes sense if:
You won't be buying many games over the next ~7 years—so game cost won't make console more expensive;
You don't need the best graphics, good enough is good enough;
Mods don't interest you;
There's an exclusive game you must have access to;
You play mostly console-friendly genres like fighting and racing—any games that do well with limited controls.

I will need a GPU and also probably a monitor which won't be cheap.

Currently rocking the Dell 3007WFP which is flanked by 2 smaller monitors. I really need lots of screen space.

I doubt this monitor would have the rf rates needed as its super old now.


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