So I recently built a new pc and for 2 months everything went okay. For no reason then my peripherals (Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor, Headset) would randomly disconnect and wouldnt reconnect until i crashed the pc manually. On my mainboard the cpu debug led would turn on while the peripherals are offline. I baught a new power supply: no change. I updated all drivers: no change: i resocketed the cpu: no change. I updated my BIOS: no change. Im running out of ideas since every expert i asked said it was a power problem.
GPU: Radeon Rx5700 Xt
CPU: Amd Ryzen 2600
Mainboard: Msi B450M M2 Pro
Powersupply: CoolerMaster 700W
GPU: Radeon Rx5700 Xt
CPU: Amd Ryzen 2600
Mainboard: Msi B450M M2 Pro
Powersupply: CoolerMaster 700W