Question Pc turned off won’t turn back on

Jun 3, 2021
Yesterday my pc turned off and wouldn’t turn back on. Plugging it into a different outlet fixed this, it’s just done it to me again, but regardless of outlet it will not turn back on. Motherboard and AIO cpu cooler light up, no beeping or codes though. No running fans, nothing shows up on monitor.


Okay... recently I got a Samsung 2tb SSD (literally, 3 days ago..) so, I removed it, and it runs again. The SSD couldn’t be failing already? It writes fast, it works as it should. But it’s crashing my pc?

Update, again:
Plugged SSD back in and it works again. I am so lost
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Do you know what PSU—power supply—you have? Make, model, wattage.

How old is PC?
If you bought pre-built, what make/model?

Look in Event Viewer for error reports around the times of the problems, they should point towards whatever failed each time.

Remove and reseat all the internal cables, make especially sure the PSU & GPU & SSD cables are securely attached.

The SSD couldn’t be failing already?
You can always get a dud, but they're generally reliable and Samsung is a good brand. More likely is that whatever is going wrong took the drive with it—your update supports that.
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Jun 3, 2021
Do you know what PSU—power supply—you have? Make, model, wattage.

How old is PC?
If you bought pre-built, what make/model?

Look in Event Viewer for error reports around the times of the problems, they should point towards whatever failed each time.

Remove and reseat all the internal cables, make especially sure the PSU & GPU & SSD cables are securely attached.

You can always get a dud, but they're generally reliable and Samsung is a good brand. More likely is that whatever is going wrong took the drive with it—your update supports that.

PC is about 2 years old, power supply is 600w bronze evga... event viewer had no critical errors.

Errors that do exist are the following:
(Session "Cloud Files Diagnostic Event Listener" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000022)

(The event logging service encountered an error (res=3) while initializing logging resources for channel System.)

(Crash dump initialization failed!)

(The EventLog service terminated with the following error:
The system cannot find the path specified.)

(The EventLog service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 60000 milliseconds: Restart the service.)