
Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I play LOTRO and played SWTOR mainly as a single player. Both have a lot of multiplayer content but it is nothing I'm too excited about. SWTOR got some really good main character stories that you follow from the start until you reach level 50 or close to that. I also had a companion that I used to put a golden slave bikini outfit on and I used to walk her around the main hubs to show off her, ummm, personality. The datacron jumping puzzles were also fun to do and the majority of them you could do solo. Here is an example of one of them I remember doing and probably the most boring one since you had to wait for ages before you could jump on the bloody air balloon. It was also located in a PvP area, so other players could potentially kill you while riding on it or pushing you off the balloon. LOTRO I play mainly for exploring areas from Tolkien lore, setting up a small home in the shire, and earning tokens from the different events so I can get different cool-looking armor and pets/mounts. It is also fun to go on an adventure like you were Frodo or Bilbo Baggins and just explore "unknown" areas and try not to die from the high-level mobs you aggro miles away. Here is a picture of my favorite horse/outfit:

Runescape is another one I only play solo and my main task is to use my twitch prime Runescape rewards for burning logs so I can finally get my fire making up to 99 and get a cape. I also did dabble in earning money from flipping items at the auction house, but it got a little boring after a while. Still have a long way to go getting 99 as you can see.
Oh, and I do drop into Elder Scrolls Online from time to time so I can experience the areas in Vvardenfell. It is really cool to walk through the old Morrowind areas and see how they look similar to the Morrowind game.
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That's quite a list and well reviewed reply. I haven't touched on SWTOR of LOTRO. I love those world's but it was something that hasn't caught my attention that I can't quite put my finger on.

I have dabbled in ESO a few times but never got further than level 50. I thought they way the dungeon system worked was a bit poor, it's not great having a really high level paragon char run the whole thing in 5 minutes while you do nothing.

I do tend to use Diablo 3 as my go to RPG at the moment but that's getting tiring now after so many years.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I got around 800hours or so in D3 and it is basically a love/hate relationship. I don't play it now, but I know I'll come back at some time. The best part for me is going through Act 1 with a new character because that act is just the most nostalgic for me. Always fun to start from scratch and get that first legendary drop, though unfortunately a lot of the time it is the Leoric Crown for me. Doing Act 1 on Torment 1 as a fresh character is also quite fun, since most things can one-shot you, you have to upgrade your gear fast to do a little more dmg and kite them mobs a lot of the time.

I have booted up GW2 again lately. Also, a game you can play solo, and it got some very cool jumping puzzles which I especially like doing. The Mad King Clock Tower is my all-time favorite:
I was a guild for roughly a year or so and the World PvP and some of the PvE dungeons are not too shabby, but I have always liked to just explore the game solo, especially since most of the quests you can do by yourself or you can join a random group doing the quest (finishes them faster that way) but still being alone doing it if that makes sense. It actually does not look too bad either for an old game. Can't say my beginner armor is great looking (80's metal band look), but it is what it is:
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I got around 800hours or so in D3 and it is basically a love/hate relationship. I don't play it now, but I know I'll come back at some time. The best part for me is going through Act 1 with a new character because that act is just the most nostalgic for me. Always fun to start from scratch and get that first legendary drop, though unfortunately a lot of the time it is the Leoric Crown for me. Doing Act 1 on Torment 1 as a fresh character is also quite fun, since most things can one-shot you, you have to upgrade your gear fast to do a little more dmg and kite them mobs a lot of the time.

I have booted up GW2 again lately. Also, a game you can play solo, and it got some very cool jumping puzzles which I especially like doing. The Mad King Clock Tower is my all-time favorite:
I was a guild for roughly a year or so and the World PvP and some of the PvE dungeons are not too shabby, but I have always liked to just explore the game solo, especially since most of the quests you can do by yourself or you can join a random group doing the quest (finishes them faster that way) but still being alone doing it if that makes sense. It actually does not look too bad either for an old game. Can't say my beginner armor is great looking (80's metal band look), but it is what it is:

I didn't even realise GW2 was still going.. I might take a look at that one, I was hoping for that community feel for it while exploring solo also an option.

what the best games MMO RPG?

I've no idea, the last one I played was World of Warcraft.
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On a Journey
Uses D3 as a crack to enter... as its not an MMO really ¿

i played it on 3 platforms (PC, PS3 & PS4) and got bored. I played D2 a little bit last year but got bored.
I played Torchlight 2 for 1300 hours and on a break I guess. I played Torchlight 3 and rejected it.

I don't play MMO anymore. I used to but I like being able to pause game and come back later and not have to explain where I was to anyone. I played WOW for 4 years (I guess) and Age of Conan for another 3 years) but that ended in 2013 ish when my PC wasn't able to handle the graphics game wanted me to see. I wouldn't mind running around in it now with a PC that would eat it for breakfast except game no longer exists.

I learned a few things about myself and games, playing them... like while it may sound great to have the best gear in game, it sucks when it leaves you no reason to keep playing. Getting everything you want can leave you with no real purpose.

MMO consume my life. I am aware of that and wary of them for that reason.


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