Lagging when loading scenes in games

Sep 2, 2020

Im not sure what component is dragging me back so i came here to ask. Let's take Metro Exodus as example .When im wondering around the framerate and frametimes are good, nothing to complain. But when i move forward to the objective, thus loading new scenes and npcs its sorts of spikes and freezes sometimes.

I have a rx 580 4gb and 8 gigs of ram. I have done a resource test and saw the vram and ram usage at 3.4, 6.something respectively. I also have the game installed on an HDD. Cpu is an i5 6600.

I guess many of you have encountered this. What is its cause and are there any tweaks available ? What should i drop in graphics if so ?

Thank you so much!
Sep 2, 2020
the game u mean ? not quite, it only has a single option for overall graphics settings in the menu. But it's not the only game i have encountered this, so i'm looking more for the cause than the solution.

As far as i see it has to do with texture settings and storage speed. Am i right ?