Question I need more space, what could I do...?

Jun 14, 2020
Hello everyone! I'll make this as direct as possible: I really need space in my PC.



This is what I have right now and I'm struggling so bad, especially with my C: drive, always having to delete whatever I can just to scrape off a GB, I even moved the temp folder from C: to D: and I'm at a loss.

My question here is, can I mount another 1TB HDD without having to reinstall Windows or anything? There's a catch though, I have one HDD just laying in my drawer from ~3 years ago and it still has Windows on it, C: and D:. I'd love to use that and not spend any money, is it possible to install it without deleting any files from it? I wanna see what I had on there from a couple years ago and if I recall correctly I had some important stuff.

Thank you in advance to everyone!


On a Journey
120gb ssd? I wouldn't run windows off a 120, it eats half the space. You really should save up and buy 1 big ssd to replace all of them.

You can clone the install onto a larger drive but I wouldn't choose a hdd as recipient of a clone from an ssd.

There's a catch though, I have one HDD just laying in my drawer from ~3 years ago and it still has Windows on it, C: and D:.
was the windows install from this PC? If so, it might work... would need windows updates. But if its another PC you might get errors and all sorts of strange things. It might work but its not guaranteed.

Or do you just want to use it as extra space? If so, it could help. Just need to stop the PC trying to boot from it.
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