Info How to upload images to Media section

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On a Journey
Putting Images Into the Media Section

On the left side of this page, you'll see a long list of options. If you click Media, you'll be taken to a page full of images.

If you want to add an image of your own (conforming to the guidelines, naturally), you can do so by clicking the Add Media button.

The website will then give you a choice of which section to put your image into. There's only one section: Fan Art, so click that.

this will open a new tab

This is a topic on uploading images so click on the Upload file link.

Now pick your images to upload. There's a max size of 5MB per file and you can only upload so much in total. As long as you stick to JPG files, you should be fine.

The image(s) will be displayed to you in a page that lets you edit the title, description, and Tags for the file. (Tags are good for searching. The game's name, maybe the publisher's name, or even character names are good to put in. Whatever you think people might search for that isn't already in the title.)

Click Save and you'll be taken to the image's page.

original post by @Zloth I just added pictures & edited it a little.
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