How is the magazine these days?

Jan 16, 2020
I used to enjoy reading PC Gamer back in my youth but lost touch with it somewhere in the late 90's or so. I know magazines in general have taken a big nosedive thanks to the internet, but to anyone that still subscribes, how is the writing these days? (I understand this isn't the most unbiased place to ask). There used to be some entertaining and quality writers for the magazine, does any of that still exist? How is the quality in general? I am looking to subscribe again just because I miss the feel of reading a magazine and sitting in a chair, without a bright screen to look at. I know the information will not be up to the minute because its print media, but I don't need that anymore. Opinions appreciated.
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How is the writing these days? Hard question to answer, the staff of PCGamer write well enough, if they didn't they wouldn't be working here.
How is the quality in general? it's quite high, i wouldn't read them otherwise although I would change a few things given the chance.

PCG Robin

Staff member
Dec 10, 2019
I'm a bit biased (being the editor of the mag) but I think it's great!

We work really hard to make sure the mag's the best it can be each month, drawing on all the same writers as on the website, plus lots of really talented freelancers. And I've got lots of exciting plans for the year ahead.

If you want a taste of the sort of thing we do these days, our Ultimate RPG Handbook that we put out a few years ago is available to read online - it's not up to date, but it gives a pretty strong sense of our approach and style I think. You can read it here.

Happy to answer any questions you might have!


Community Contributor
It's good stuff, IMHO. Some issues are going to be better than others, of course, just according to your tastes. The "Extra Life" section has quick reviews (and sometimes longer ones) for games that have been out for a while, which I've liked a lot. There's more reviews in the magazine, I think, particularly for those so-so games. The last edition I got had a big article on mods for RDR2 that was good.

It seems easier for me to read larger articles in print, too. It can certainly be done on the web (and many of those articles show up there) but having it in print makes more convenient reading. Especially if you want to read just part of it now and part later.
Jan 13, 2020
I'm still a subscriber but as I grow older I'm starting to feel that the magazine has left me behind. All of its editors seem like they're old enough to be my children and when I read the "Now Playing" section I find myself hating most of the games. I guess I'm just from another generation. I also miss the reader feedback section that it seems to have done away with as they were usually more interesting than many of the articles.

Another think I've never understood is how every magazine always seem to preview more games than it reviews. IMO I'm more interested in the games that just came out and I'm deciding to buy or not than a game that's at least a year or more away.
Jun 3, 2020
I've been a non-stop subscriber since 1998 and I still think it's great.

As of last month it reduced from 130 pages to 114 pages, and the monthly free game / DLC has been dropped in favour of a digital download of what might normally be a physical supplement.

I'm not sure if this change is temporary to weather the storm of reduced physical copy purchasing. Would be interested to hear the team's take on that.
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Jun 3, 2020
Monthly free game/dlc?? I've been a subscriber for just about as long and I don't remember seeing one of those in eons. But then, I spell favor differently - maybe it's a UK thing?

Could be. Not sure. It's always been printed on a red card stuck in the middle of the mag.
Jan 25, 2020
Guess the North American readers are treated differently these days. Haven't seen a free game or anything in the magazine along those lines in at least 10 years. Also don't remember the last time the magazine was more than 114 pages. For the longest, it barely broke 100 pages.


Mar 17, 2020
Monthly free game/dlc?? I've been a subscriber for just about as long and I don't remember seeing one of those in eons. But then, I spell favor differently - maybe it's a UK thing?
I haven't seen the free DLC/Game disc in years. Than again it wouldn't do me any good, I haven't had a disc drive in forever.