Favorite Obscure First Person Shooter?

Aug 24, 2024
Lately I've been looking to dive into the less well known games in the FPS genre, so I figure, why not ask the community? Ideally this thread will simply be a space to share and discuss games that tend to go overlooked and underappreciated. Games with unique mechanics, interesting weapons or weird stories are welcome. Anything within the genre is allowed, even games that fit into multiple genres (ex. FPS/RPG.) Simply state the name of the game and tell us why you recommend players check it out!

To start off I'd like to set some boundaries to incite creative picks:
  • No 'major' series, even the lesser known entries (Doom, Wolfenstein, CoD, etc.)
  • No mods, they must individual titles
  • No minigames or segments of non-FPS games - the majority of the game should be a FPS
  • No games that can change perspective between third and first person at will (ex. The Elder Scrolls games)
I'll start off with my personal pick - Clive Barker's Undying. Written and partially produced by author Clive Barker, the game has a unique horror aesthetic that I find sets itself apart in the genre. Featuring some interesting weapons such as a scythe and a "Tibetan War Cannon", which shoots balls of ice and looks like a dragon as well as an upgradable list of spells that gives the player autonomy in deciding which spells to focus on improving.
Jun 11, 2024
This is the most obscure one that I'm aware of. Haven't played it myself.
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Dec 22, 2024
I'll start by stating that these days I'm not a fan of FPS games in general. I think I have developed shooting fatigue (not with shmups with non-human characters, though... yet at least)

I would point out one that came out last year, which I would classify more like a puzzle/FPS (you do shoot enemies with a gun), which is [ECHOSTASIS]. There's really not much comparable to it and the other games by the same developer are also precious gems.

Basically you have to dive into a sort of matrix world where your connection is time-limited. To progress you have to keep unlocking new areas that will allow you to cut corners until the finish line. I'd prefer to not spoil much more as it's really best experienced than explained. There is a demo available so that would really be best to try it, if you like what you see in the trailers and stills.

I would also point out the Dread X Collection series, which are 100% dedicated to offbeat indie/amateur horror games. Its volume 4, titled The Hunt, is dedicated to shooters.
Ok, here me out, this game actually has good FPS shooting...

It honestly does a good/funny job with mixing good FPS combat, with funny memes, sounds, kills, etc. Its not my favorite, but its been the weirdest one ive played recently.

Another good one, a little older, but still obscure with good FPS is Cruelty Squad

These 2 have been the most far-out FPS i played that actually has good gun play. I highly recommend them if you can get over the aesthetics of each.

Im currently playing a boomer-shooter called Beyond Citadel:

It has very good combat and the combat system is way more involved than other FPS i have played. You have to worry about guns jamming, loading the proper bullets, breaking your guns etc. and you can even turn all that off and have a fun original shoot-everything-pick-everything-up experience. Plus the storyline and enemies are...unique.



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I think the most obscure shooter I've played was Dead Effect, one of the early Steam greenlight games that was trying to, apparently, attract players by confusing them with a name that combined Dead Space and Mass Effect.

I've always assumed that it was a solo developer project. You just ran missions from the main menu, none of which had anything to do with anything or any sort of story to them, and the levels might as well have been procedurally generated, but somehow I enjoyed it quite a bit and still have fond memories of it.

Heck, I think I'm going to reinstall it.
trying to, apparently, attract players by confusing them with a name that combined Dead Space and Mass Effect.
I think it was more trying to say "This game is like Dead Space and Mass Effect combined" confusing players by making them think would actually be good.

Either way gamers are good at confusing themselves.
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Community Contributor
I think it was more trying to say "This game is like Dead Space and Mass Effect combined" confusing players by making them think would actually be good.

Either way gamers are good at confusing themselves.
You know, I misremembered a lot about that game. It's actually alright. Of course I now have an additional 10 years of playing indie and hobbyist games coloring my perceptions.
Aug 24, 2024
Ok, here me out, this game actually has good FPS shooting...

It honestly does a good/funny job with mixing good FPS combat, with funny memes, sounds, kills, etc. Its not my favorite, but its been the weirdest one ive played recently.

Another good one, a little older, but still obscure with good FPS is Cruelty Squad

These 2 have been the most far-out FPS i played that actually has good gun play. I highly recommend them if you can get over the aesthetics of each.

Im currently playing a boomer-shooter called Beyond Citadel:

It has very good combat and the combat system is way more involved than other FPS i have played. You have to worry about guns jamming, loading the proper bullets, breaking your guns etc. and you can even turn all that off and have a fun original shoot-everything-pick-everything-up experience. Plus the storyline and enemies are...unique.

I played the original 420BLAZEIT all the way back in 2014( ̄~ ̄;)Time sure does fly... I had no idea there was a sequel until now. Cruelty Squad is an excellent game, I thoroughly enjoyed it, although I have to agree that the aesthetics can be off-putting.

I only learned about Beyond Citadel recently from the GmanLives video covering it. Definitely piqued my interest for the reasons you stated.
Aug 24, 2024
The most obscure one I've played (as far as I can remember) is E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy. I'm honestly not really sure what the game is about, but I played through the entire thing somehow.
E.Y.E. is wonderfully bizarre. Had lots of fun playing co-op with friends over the years. Despite playing through all the levels a bunch of times I also have no idea what exactly is going on. I remember going into the library in the hub area and reading a bunch of the lore books during my last playthrough but I earnestly cannot remember a single thing. I'm sure all the text being awkwardly translated from French didn't help.
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Dec 22, 2024
I remembered another one. Brigand: Oaxaca.
It has a demo on Steam and is on sale now.
Perhaps one of the strangest FPS with a moderate indie following. I'd say to try it if you're a fan of STALKER, although it's really its own thing.
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These maybe aren't terribly obscure, but haven't been mentioned yet.

One from the olden days:

Always loved this one and it must have kindled my love of ImSims later in life.

HROT, I still need to finish. I'm on the 3rd episode, just haven't plowed through it yet. Kind of a mix between Quake and Chasm: The Rift, but Soviet

And I'm breaking the rules here. Technically, it's a mod, but it an entire game unto itself and I'm surprised it's not up on the Steam Store and being sold as its own thing. Both it and its sequel, Aftermath, are excellent. Plus you can download and play them completely standalone, so I don't feel like it counts.

And I'm breaking the rules here. Technically, it's a mod, but it an entire game unto itself and I'm surprised it's not up on the Steam Store and being sold as its own thing. Both it and its sequel, Aftermath, are excellent. Plus you can download and play them completely standalone, so I don't feel like it counts.

i was going to say. Is doom 2 an obscure shooter these days? Might not have been back in 1993-1994 but who plays doom 2? I mean i'm a die hard doom 2 fan with the wads i play. I would also throw in Brutal doom in there as well as its own stand alone wad campaign is interesting, but the only way people would truly appreciate it is if they played the original doom 2.

i could throw in a whole load of wads here but ashes 2063 is a fine one. They've recently updated it with a bit more spit and polish and also released an unofficial expansion pack of sorts. Also heard rumours of a sequel in the works as well.
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Sep 17, 2024
I'll throw Shadow Warrior into the mix. It's a reboot of the classic series and it's got that over-the-top, gory, and tongue-in-cheek humor that makes it a blast to play.

The gunplay is satisfying, the movement is fluid, and the world is full of personality. Plus, you get to wield a talking sword named 'Katana', what's not to love?
Dec 22, 2024
I remembered one, and it was one I'd like to be re-released on PC, which is Breakdown, an Xbox (1) exclusive, one of the few made in Japan. It was fascinating. At that time and for a few years there were a few very immersive FPS like this one, Maken X, Call of Cthullu Dark Corners of the Earth, Alone in the Dark (2008), The Darkness, Prey (2006; would also love to play it again), Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher's Bay, Cold Fear and Mirror's Edge.

Not all of these are obscure, of course, but it looks like that generation is ready for nostalgia re-releases.
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