Do you have any games where your playstyle is significantly different from everyone else's?


Community Contributor
I soloed Vermintide 2 through Legendary difficulty. I consider that one of my greatest gaming accomplishments, as it's a very hard 4-player co-op game. I also did it with Guido. However, there were two or three occasions when I decided to play with randoms. In those cases, after 1 or two fights, everyone left the game, leaving me there by myself. I think they would be surprised to learn that I finished those levels without them. In at least two of these missions, the game tried to send more people to help me, and they all left the game, too.

Of course, I'm not 100 percent sure why everyone left, but it happened every time I joined randoms, so I assume I was playing differently than they played, and they decided to just leave and find someone better to play with. The only thing I noticed that was different was that they didn't hunker down and fight hordes. They kept moving. I could have eventually adapted to that, but I wasn't given time to. You certainly can't play that way solo or with one other player.


On a Journey
TDU2 - I played the casino, not the racing. I spent most of my time grinding slot machines to get the cash to buy any of the cars I had. My internet connection was so bad back then that racing was not something I could really do against other people. So instead I just collected cars, and spent rest of time doing laps of the main island of Hawaii...

I doubt many other people played it that way. I have no way of knowing really.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Guild Wars 2 comes to mind. In that game, you had large open-world PVP areas with tons of battles and while they were going on, I would occasionally just slowly walk around the map. At times people would run past me, stop, and ask what I was doing and some of them would join me just walking. It was fun because people found it odd and even more fun when you had people joining you doing absolutely nothing during battles.

This is probably not that rare, but in all MMOs I play, I will always try to get as far as I can with my level 1 character. It's a fun way to avoid mobs, but also to find out how the MMOs handle low levels in higher-level zones.


Community Contributor
Air Warrior: Way back in the late 80's and early 90's, when MMO's didn't have a name, there was Air Warrior on the GEnie network. I was a fully 3D flight simulator with multiple fighters (Spitfires, Mustangs, Lightnings, FW190s, Zeros, and others). It also had bombers, which you could use to attack enemy airstrips to close them down. It even had a C-47 that could drop paratroops onto a closed airstrip to capture it.

Almost everyone flew the fighters. A few people might switch to a bomber or a C-47, but they mostly didn't really care all that much about capturing airstrips. It was all about getting to a good altitude and shooting down enemy fighters in dogfights. I loved them, though. I would take off in a big B-17 fortress and fly below radar - WAY below radar. Like less than 10ft altitude. (Most of the landscape was perfectly flat, so that wasn't hard.) If I was able to get to an airstrip and blow it up, I would try to follow up with a C-47.

Also, in 4X games, I like big maps with just a few opposing empires. I don't even want to see the other AI player for a good, long time. From screenshots of other players, I take it most people stick with the defaults and have many others in their game.
I did a Skyrim game once where I wasn't a stealth archer, does that count? :p

I have games where I play differently than the kind of players who are active in the game's community, but that doesn't really mean much. For example, I prefer Total War: Warhammer 2's Vortex campaign over the Mortal Empires map, which seems to be uncommon if you check the subreddit, but I doubt it's actually all that uncommon among all players.

My kid on the other hand has quite the unique way of playing games. She prefers playing house in most games we play together, even if the game isn't really set up for it. In Stardew Valley for example, she plays a mother and makes me her kid (so she can boss me around), then brings me to school (the community centre) and simulates a whole day of school there, then brings me to the old people's house pretending that "grandma and grandpa" are babysitting me while she goes to work.
May 13, 2024
I tend to favor the quicker, lesser damage dealing class/character vs a tank or a disruptor/destroyer type classes, and figure out a way to make them "tankable" (in the sense that I can out-last opponents and be the last one standing) and destructive by way of tactics. The best example I can think of is X-Wing. We played a lot of that at LAN parties in vs. mode back in the day. I would always pick an A-Wing. Significantly more nimble, but less armament (only concussion missiles), less shielding, and faster cannon/laser strength depletion. But damn were those things fast and highly maneuverable with the right power allocation, and tough to hit in the right hands. I would always drop to single deflector shield all around or swap the single deflector to "double front" or "double rear" deflector only, or even no deflector depending on the situation, then allocate the extra power to the engine and guns which was enough to beef them up. With the extra engine power I could fly circles around multiple proton torpedos and opponents. It was easy to make quick H2H passes, kill the engine for a tight turn, then floor it to get on an opponents tail in a split. It twas the clear choice as far as I was concerned, yet people would still pick an X-Wing, Y-Wing, or B-Wing over and over again for the shielding and firepower.
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I played Baldurs Gate 3 as Karlach rather than my own Tav. In Divinity Original Sin 2 you missed out on a lot of story when you didnt choose an origin character and I assumed it would be the same.

Hardly used magic or ranged attacks in any Souls game when apparently thats a lot of people defaults. Dont know if thats really rare though.

Otherwise its hard to say as I dont watch a lot of Youtube or streams and dont play much multiplayer in general.


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