Hot pixels? Ooh yeah!
Around others, I'll play something else, but on my own I'm totally fine with nudity and sex.
Blood & gore is different though, I really appreciate games which have an option to turn it off.
I love the Far Cry games, but I detest the wildlife skinning animations. Not the content itself, but that it happens EVERY FREAKIN' TIME!! I can easily have a wolf pack at my feet—in Primal, often a dozen—and have a choice between foregoing the economic and/or skills value of the skins, or spending 30-60 seconds skinning. Very bad game design, unless annoying delays are meant to be part of the experience.
Same with those exploding heads—how long do they take, 5-10 seconds? That adds up when trying to snipe out a lot of a base. But the main thing is that it's so immersion breaking, it's the equivalent of a short commercial break—ie totally unnecessary and irrelevant content— in the middle of executing your plan.
Apart from the bad game design aspect, I don't find blood or gore attractive in a game. Always strikes me as similar to a comedian relying on fart jokes, ie a cheap shot guaranteed to get a reaction

I've done enough marketing to not be a fan of being emotionally manipulated.
So yeah devs, make such content optional.
Options are always a good thing!