Cyberpunk 2077: Why the hype?

Hi all,

I would like to preface this post that I am genuinely curious in people's reasoning.

So: Why is Cyberpunk 2077 such an insanely hyped game - moreso than any game I have ever seen? I do not understand it, and I have not seen an in-depth explanation for as to why it is exciting. The only reasoning I have seen is simply because it is being made by CD Projekt Red and since the Witcher series was phenomenal (which I agree with) therefore Cyberpunk 2077 will be great. Nothing about the gameplay or what has been teased looks particularly unique nor inventive. So, are we simply going on faith that because they (CDPR) made good games in the past, Cyberpunk 2077 will be good? It seems like flimsy reasoning to me for one of the most hyped games in recent memory.

So, I'm curious to hear from the community: Why are you so excited for Cyberpunk 2077?


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I think you got it. Witcher 3 was absolutely incredible. I've played a LOT of RPGs and W3 has the best story I've ever seen. I liked its story better than Planscape and Final Fantasy 7. What's more, the previous two games also had great stories. Chances are real good that this one will, too.

They're also quite good at what they do now. This isn't likely to be a game that comes out in a rather broken state then stays that way. I'm sure it will have plenty of bugs but, because of CDPR's history, I'm also pretty sure they'll stomp on the really bad ones as fast as they can.

Also, for us <ahem> older folks, seeing that "Cyberpunk" logo show up with various references to the old Pen & Paper game.... It wasn't nearly as popular as AD&D but still. When I saw that first teaser video, I had to dig up the old rulebook and dream of what could be. (And wonder how the frak they could support the rocker-boy class in a computer RPG.)

You're trying to put reasoning on it, though. We won't really have enough facts to do a decent job evaluating the game with reason until it shows up. Even then, it could take a few weeks to let the reality settle in. So we've got hype, which is far more emotional.

P.S. And really, that teaser video might well be the best teaser I've ever seen. Pretty woman is about to get shot in the pretty face, oh no! Then there's a plot twist. Then there's another plot twist. And another! Three good plot twists in two minutes flat while also conveying the mood of the game? CDPR has some great tallent.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I'm excited for Cyberpunk 2077 because I am finally getting an adult cyberpunk world were from what I have seen, things are not toned down. It will be sexy, it will be bloody/gory and it will be for ADULTS! It's not just a +18 label thrown in because of a little talk about drugs and maybe a cleavage being shown.
I think you got it. Witcher 3 was absolutely incredible. I've played a LOT of RPGs and W3 has the best story I've ever seen. I liked its story better than Planscape and Final Fantasy 7. What's more, the previous two games also had great stories. Chances are real good that this one will, too.

They're also quite good at what they do now. This isn't likely to be a game that comes out in a rather broken state then stays that way. I'm sure it will have plenty of bugs but, because of CDPR's history, I'm also pretty sure they'll stomp on the really bad ones as fast as they can.

Also, for us <ahem> older folks, seeing that "Cyberpunk" logo show up with various references to the old Pen & Paper game.... It wasn't nearly as popular as AD&D but still. When I saw that first teaser video, I had to dig up the old rulebook and dream of what could be. (And wonder how the frak they could support the rocker-boy class in a computer RPG.)

You're trying to put reasoning on it, though. We won't really have enough facts to do a decent job evaluating the game with reason until it shows up. Even then, it could take a few weeks to let the reality settle in. So we've got hype, which is far more emotional.

P.S. And really, that teaser video might well be the best teaser I've ever seen. Pretty woman is about to get shot in the pretty face, oh no! Then there's a plot twist. Then there's another plot twist. And another! Three good plot twists in two minutes flat while also conveying the mood of the game? CDPR has some great tallent.

Believe it or not, I'm actually playing through Witcher 3 for the first time ever currently. It is a truly special game, and the Witcher series in general is the first time I've gotten extremely invested in a story. I've always been a gameplay-first, ignore the story kind of gamer, but the Witcher games have been exceptions.

Honestly, I'm actually a bit anxious to finish Witcher 3 because it is so good that I'm not sure anything actually compares. The story is just so compelling.

Now, I'll certainly be looking closely at the reviews when Cyberpunk 2077 drops. If CDPR manages to craft another tremendous story, I could easily see myself enjoying the game a lot. For me it's very much a "wait and see" game at the moment. I think that is primarily due to the fact that I'm not in love with it aesthetically (I love the classic medieval settings of many RPGs, not so much a fan of futuristic settings).

Nonetheless, I hope it is a stellar game, because that's a win for all of us.
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Feb 17, 2020
In addition to the above, it's also the length of time. @Zloth mentions the teaser, which basically sold me outright on the idea - I just want to underline that the teaser was released in Jan 2013.

Jan 2013. That's almost 8 years by the time it launches.

That's a long stretch of time available to build up expectations.


It seems like flimsy reasoning to me for one of the most hyped games in recent memory.
It's pretty good logic.

Yes, even a company with a great record can release a turkey, but in general you have some idea of what to expect. You know what a Ubisoft game is going to be like. You know what a Piranha Bytes game is going to be like.

CDP/R have generated a lot of good will from gamers. Having GOG and releasing major titles on it, DRM-free. Confirming there will be no microtransactions in their single player game. Going with a similar DLC model as The Witcher 3. Keanu Reeves. It also seems like the depth and detail of the world will be extensive, even by the standards set in TW3.

And the company's aware of the hype. They know if that if they botch it, their brand is in major trouble. They really need to get this right, far more than Ubisoft needed to get Ghost Recon Breakpoint right.

They're not a literal paragon of virtue - glimpses we see of work culture there and the occasional social media gaffe give some insight. But they have definitely earned faith in their attitude towards the product and the consumer.

Also the graphics. The Witcher 3's graphics were toned down versus previews, but the game still looks great today, 5 years after launch. Cyberpunk is a safe bet to be the next Crysis in that department.

I'm not advocating pre-orders (I won't be pre-ordering), just saying that if you like RPGs and immersive worlds, Cyberpunk 2077 is a safe bet to be excited about.
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In addition to the above, it's also the length of time. @Zloth mentions the teaser, which basically sold me outright on the idea - I just want to underline that the teaser was released in Jan 2013.

Jan 2013. That's almost 8 years by the time it launches.

That's a long stretch of time available to build up expectations.


It's pretty good logic.

Yes, even a company with a great record can release a turkey, but in general you have some idea of what to expect. You know what a Ubisoft game is going to be like. You know what a Piranha Bytes game is going to be like.

CDP/R have generated a lot of good will from gamers. Having GOG and releasing major titles on it, DRM-free. Confirming there will be no microtransactions in their single player game. Going with a similar DLC model as The Witcher 3. Keanu Reeves. It also seems like the depth and detail of the world will be extensive, even by the standards set in TW3.

And the company's aware of the hype. They know if that if they botch it, their brand is in major trouble. They really need to get this right, far more than Ubisoft needed to get Ghost Recon Breakpoint right.

They're not a literal paragon of virtue - glimpses we see of work culture there and the occasional social media gaffe give some insight. But they have definitely earned faith in their attitude towards the product and the consumer.

Also the graphics. The Witcher 3's graphics were toned down versus previews, but the game still looks great today, 5 years after launch. Cyberpunk is a safe bet to be the next Crysis in that department.

I'm not advocating pre-orders (I won't be pre-ordering), just saying that if you like RPGs and immersive worlds, Cyberpunk 2077 is a safe bet to be excited about.

That's interesting, I didn't know the game had been teased nearly 8 years ago. That certainly has some explanatory power for as to why hype has built as much as it has.

I think, reviewing my thoughts while having this discussion, the primary question for me is: How good is it going to be? To expand on that, I do think the game is going to be good. But how good? Is it going to be a next-level experience like TW3? I would ordinarily say that it is unfair to expect that. But given the level of hype it is receiving, I'm not sure that just being "good" is enough.

I do agree that this game flopping would be a huge hit to CDPR and, therefore, they are likely doing all that they can to deliver. To your point, I do think that provides some amount of confidence that the finished product will be quite good.
My hype for it died away after seeing the gameplay and all. Yes, i know its early footage but I personally dont think its going to be as big a hit as everyone thinks its going to be. I dont see this as bad as the hype behind Anthem and then what that was, but the hype was only there for me when it was teased that it was "coming soon", but now, esp. with whats landing in the weeks around Cypberpunk, its no longer a hype game for me.


Community Contributor
How good is it going to be? To expand on that, I do think the game is going to be good. But how good? Is it going to be a next-level experience like TW3? I would ordinarily say that it is unfair to expect that. But given the level of hype it is receiving, I'm not sure that just being "good" is enough.
We don't know how good it's going to be. However, I would say there's a 90% chance it will be worth buying and a 60% chance the game will be of very high quality. Cyberpunk and the Witcher world are both fairly dark but they aren't the same places at all, so I won't be shocked if they only do a "pretty good" story. However, I won't be shocked if they do better than Witcher 3, either. There's no other company on the planet I would say that about.

The Cyberpunk world is an interesting one. The cyber stuff is really interesting from a science fiction, "what would it be like to have machine parts" view. The way society has gone can be a good commentary. Most of all, though, the attitude of the people is one heck of a roleplaying challenge. Appearances are everything, the future is disposable... I think I'm going to need to inject a half gallon of machismo just to play a street beggar properly!
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Jan 13, 2020
I'm kinda just hyped up the way Frindis is, in that we are getting a mature, authentic cyberpunk genre experience. I still have never played the Witcher 3 but from what I understand the game treated it's players with some intelligence. Frankly this game looks like the closest we've gotten to something that is attempting to do what Deus Ex did in the early 2000s, something way beyond it's time, that carries a true feeling of choice in the gameplay.

Go watch the weapons tech demo video, and tell me that doesn't get you hyped up a little. It looks like there will be street racing, at least in some kind of form. If they manage in getting Night City to really feel alive, and players really feel like they're investing in their own story, then we'll have a winner on our hands.


Community Contributor
It seems like flimsy reasoning to me for one of the most hyped games in recent memory.

It's actually great reasoning. If you were an fan of the stage and you found out a never before published play by William Shakespeare had been found, you would be very excited because of who wrote the play. CDPR may well be the best SP dev in the world, and they have a game coming out. People are understandably excited. It is one of the most anticipated games of all time, and rightfully so.

As for innovation, there probably will be little. Just astoundingly good game play in an astonishing world with a fantastic story.
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Sep 18, 2020
The trailer is more discouraging than encouraging to play. Also, I think the game is too hype - even though I own CDPR shares. The vehicle controls mechanics are poor, it doesn't look like a good shooter - the devastating locations are a joke


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