Question Advice for Upgrade

Sep 3, 2020

I'm looking at upgrading my pc but I'm not really sure which part to upgrade. I'm wanting to play upcoming releases like Cyberpunk 2077 and Watchdogs Legion. My current build struggles to run Watch Dogs 2 but can play most other games on Ultra settings at around 100 - 150fps (which is fine for me)

Current Build:
Intel i5-9600k 3.7GHz
MSI Gaming Z 2060 6GB 1850MHz
16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX 3200MHz
Asus ROG Z390-E Motherboard
Corsair H100 CPU Cooler
Corsair Vengeance 650W PSU

I was thinking it would be most beneficial to upgrade from the i5 to a newer i7 10700k but I'm not sure what would be the best to upgrade (Graphics card or CPU)

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you🙌
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Feb 17, 2020
Upgrade nothing until the games are out.

There's 0 point to speculatively upgrading parts :)

1) Maybe Cyberpunk and Legion will be totally fine with your system. Or maybe they won't. But we have no way of knowing whether, if they're not fine, what you need to upgrade.

2) A lot of new hardware is coming out in the next couple of months. Nvidia have just announced a trio of new GPUs, one of the most interesting of which releases in October. AMD are releasing their RDNA 2 GPUs and their Zen 3 CPUs later this year. Perhaps these will be better options than their Nvidia and Intel (respectively) competitors. Perhaps Nvidia's new GPUs really benefit from PCIe 4.0, currently only on AMD's platform.

The hardware will appear alongside or before the games anyway so you might as well wait, see what the deal is with the games and their performance, and then decide what you need to buy.

Also NB: a new CPU from Intel 10000 series or an AMD CPU would both require a new motherboard. While a new CPU from Intel's 9000 series compatible with your current mobo wouldn't be worth buying.
Sep 3, 2020
Upgrade nothing until the games are out.

There's 0 point to speculatively upgrading parts

1) Maybe Cyberpunk and Legion will be totally fine with your system. Or maybe they won't. But we have no way of knowing whether, if they're not fine, what you need to upgrade.

2) A lot of new hardware is coming out in the next couple of months. Nvidia have just announced a trio of new GPUs, one of the most interesting of which releases in October. AMD are releasing their RDNA 2 GPUs and their Zen 3 CPUs later this year. Perhaps these will be better options than their Nvidia and Intel (respectively) competitors. Perhaps Nvidia's new GPUs really benefit from PCIe 4.0, currently only on AMD's platform.

The hardware will appear alongside or before the games anyway so you might as well wait, see what the deal is with the games and their performance, and then decide what you need to buy.

Also NB: a new CPU from Intel 10000 series or an AMD CPU would both require a new motherboard. While a new CPU from Intel's 9000 series compatible with your current mobo wouldn't be worth buying.
Thank you! I'll do that then and wait it out for a while. I suppose it'll be better to wait and see if any deals come up on Black Friday or Prime Day too.
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