a program keep trying to open during gameplay

May 7, 2020
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hello I play bf4 on my pc and 2 weeks ago every time I play a program try to open so it makes my game smaller and to play again I have to click on my game 2 or 3 times before I can play again anybody ever had this problem,i did a virus check all is good ,i dont even know what program it is,thank you for your help.
When you say you don't know what program this is, what happens?

It pops up for a moment in a window, and then vanishes so quickly you can't read it?

I had something similar once and the laziest way for me to work out what it was was to turn on my graphics card's gameplay recording software, tell it to also record the desktop, and start recording. Saved the video just after it happened. And could see the program by pausing the video, so I knew what to look up. Any modern Nvidia or AMD graphics card will have the capability through the Geforce Experience or AMD Adrenaline software.
May 7, 2020
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thanks for your help no its not popping up at all buy you know whan you click on a program and you see the blue circle spin that what I see if I wait nothing open up,just my game stop working until I click back on my game ,its weird,and I don't have anything on that pc its a gaming pc I have an other one for the web and all other stuff


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