Recent content by YoghaAW

  1. Y

    What monitor should i get ?

    Yeah, I would go for samsung, visually better from my perception, not due to the brand
  2. Y

    Of Bird and Cage - a Rock Opera as a Game

    Cngrats and good luck with the game
  3. Y

    Netflix Making a Video Game Service

    Wow, this is new for me, netflix starting go to the game.
  4. Y

    Question Gaming computer

    Glodok plaza or close to stasiun pasar senin, FX
  5. Y

    Question 90's game that should be remastered

    I'm still love the final fantasy play role and the scenario, and after remastered FF7, it is gladly really. and for others may remastered the first FF until FF4, like in N64 was good animation of master Ceil.
  6. Y

    Is it required to buy a cpu cooler other than stock cooler for gaming?

    The other Idea is not only fan cooler, but circulation of chiller, but rather expensive though, like portable AC that blow direct to CPU.