Recent content by szwenk

  1. S

    Wife's request

    Thank you for all your answers. Wife decided to play Farming Simulator. She's driving a nice red tractor on a field and is having great fun with it :)
  2. S

    Wife's request

    Valheim she tried early access (played 16h), but not fun. Banner Saga Games is cartoon, my wife is not a fun of that. But I honestly thank YOU for all suggestions. I know it's difficult to satisfy my wife.... especially with a game ;)
  3. S

    Wife's request

    Hi all! My wife's just said to me: "I need a game which is a bit of witcher, a bit of house building, but no shooter" FYI she spent around 300h playing witcher, 200h playing Frostpunk, 200h RDR2 and around 200 playing Medevial Dynasty Any ideas? :D