Recent content by SquireZed

  1. SquireZed

    Enter to win this Alienware EVERSPACE 2 Prize Pack from PC Gamer and ROCKFISH Games!

    Knowing me, my favorite module will be a tractor beam upgrade. I waste so much time trying to vacuum up loot in the vacuum of space, and so having a better grab range is a huge benefit and saves so much time. It's not the most impressive module, but it's the one that helps the most behind the...
  2. SquireZed

    Question Mid-Week Question: When a game asks you to 'Press Any Key', which key do you press?

    Almost always space. Thanks to my typing teacher's otherwise mostly forgotten work (I was already typing up a storm way before learning the "right" way) I almost always have a thumb hovering over my spacebar, ready to pull the trigger and sometimes interrupt something with an unintentional jump.
  3. SquireZed

    Question Weekend Question: Have you defeated a boss by exploiting a bug or a cheesy strat?

    Cheese is an artform. I don't like exploiting bugs, but cheese is thrilling in a perverse way. While it can be quite salt inducing in multiplayer games (I mained Little Mac in Smash 4, and still play him in Ultimate, so I have received barrels full of cheese as unwelcome gifts), I think finding...
  4. SquireZed

    Question Mid-Week Question: Do you buy battle passes? And do you complete them?

    Whether I invest in battle passes depends on whether I think I actually want to play that game this much. The last one I purchased was for PSO2 NA when it launched on the Microsoft Store. It was great because I already knew I was going to grind up to a decently high level, having played on the...
  5. SquireZed

    Question Weekend Question: What weather adds the most to a game?

    I love a good foggy night. Maybe it's because a lot of the early games that really impacted my experience had fog as a way to handle resource limits and cull draw distance, such as Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (if I remember correctly; it may have just been aesthetic by that point), but it...
  6. SquireZed

    Giveaway Win a Lenovo Legion Monitor, keyboard, mouse and more from PC Gamer!

    I think the moment I was hooked was playing Age of Empires as a kid. My dad was into RTS games, and so that was my entry point. It was amazing to send units around to gather resources and defeat enemies. I still enjoy a good RTS now and again, even though the genre is no where near its glory...
  7. SquireZed

    Question Favorite 2D Platformers

    It's more a competition platformer. You place elements in the level and try to reach the goal, with bonuses going to the first player to reach the goal, eliminating other players with traps, etc.
  8. SquireZed

    Question Favorite 2D Platformers

    If we're limiting to "pure" platformers I think N++ is one of my favorites to this day. The need for timing and precision never got particularly frustrating to me, which is impressive considering that I am legendarily platforming impaired. It's multiplayer co-op is great fun too, though I seem...
  9. SquireZed

    Question Weekend Question: Do you ever skip cutscenes?

    I skip cutscenes when I don't care about the story of a game. So, for example, pretty much any scene outside of the Animus in an Assassin's Creed game (I know some people like that bit, I just want to do some old timey stabbing when I'm playing Assassin's Creed). However, I much prefer the...
  10. SquireZed

    Best way to combat VR nausea?

    I mentioned that I got pretty motion sick and my brother recommended that I use a fan. I don't think it entirely fixes the problem, but a standing fan does help me some. I keep it a bit far back because I tend to move forward/backward quite a bit, but that's partly because I'm using a Quest...
  11. SquireZed

    Question What is the best laptop cooling pad?

    You might get more responses if you post in the board for PC accessories: I have very little experience, so I can't help, but I just wanted to give a bit of advice since people who have more knowledge about accessories may not be...
  12. SquireZed

    D&D computer adaptations

    I've enjoyed a ton of D&D games over the years. Although when I DM, I like to keep things very close to the rules as written, some of the games I've enjoyed the most have been fairly loose adaptations. The one I've certainly put the most time into is Dungeons and Dragons Online- one of the first...
  13. SquireZed

    Giveaway Win a Lenovo Legion Monitor, keyboard, mouse and more from PC Gamer!

    My dad is a software engineer- we had a computer from the moment I could remember, and there are so many MS-DOS games that I'll never remember the name of that I played and enjoyed. When I got old enough to remember, there were so many more that I cherish; from Encarta's Mindmaze (which was...
  14. SquireZed

    Question What games rekindled your love of PC gaming?

    I never really stopped playing PC games after I started, but I will say that there was a period of time where I did it more as a time killer or a social thing with friends. The game that really re-awakened my love for playing games was Dark Souls. A friend suggested I try it, and I sunk about 20...
  15. SquireZed

    Question Mid-Week Question: If your eyes had a HUD, what info would you want it to display?

    I think having an object highlight feature would be amazing. I am not a particularly perceptive person, and so if I was in the supply closet at work and could just highlight a pad of sticky notes after I mispla-er, used up my last one, it would save me a ton of time. Being able to isolate items...