Recent content by robicarnold

  1. robicarnold

    Need help for PC building

    I watched reviews on YT and it's pretty awesome. I'll buy this one. Thanks a lot for the help. I already ordered the case and power supply. This will be my first pc building, and I hope I don't **** up things while building..
  2. robicarnold

    Need help for PC building

    Cool thanks! I never heard about that video card. Is good? Geforce vs the one you shared (3060-3080)
  3. robicarnold

    Need help for PC building

  4. robicarnold

    Need help for PC building

    Hey guys, I'm new here! I want to build a PC for 1000-1400€ and I want the best components that I can get with this budget. I already have a 28" inch Asus monitor, a pretty good one connected to a older Asus ROG laptop. I need a PC for gaming and software editing programs with fast exporting...