
Name's Rensje, I'm a 31-year old restaurateur from the Netherlands who likes to work on PCs and play games. Never been a magazine subscriber myself, but I've frequented this website for as long as I can remember. I used to love posting on various forums before that kind of community went a bit out of style. I don't care much for heated debate, but I enjoy getting into casual conversation about the hobby that I love.

Currently in rotation are Path of Exile (don't ask me anything, I just click things 'til they pop), WoW Classic (having 0 free time makes this harder than I want it to be) and Dark Souls 3 with her ladyship, which she loves playing in jolly co-operation. Happy to oblige, of course. Might finally try The Witcher sometime soon, and I've been meaning to return to Rebel Galaxy Outlaw for some laid-back space trucking.

When I'm not doing any of the above, there's a good chance I might be at the theater watching whatever's in season, or playing with my three cats!



