Recent content by RebeccaMigliorini

  1. R

    Building my first PC Gamer(NEED HELP)

    wow, that's a PC of my dream!
  2. R

    What is the best shooting game on PC?

    Hey man, I feel you on BF3 being the peak of the series. That game just had the perfect balance of gameplay, maps, weapons, etc. BF4 came really close to capturing that same magic, but never quite reached the same heights. But I gotta disagree that it's been all downhill since then. BF1 was a...
  3. R

    January 2024 General Game Discussion Thread

    In my opinion, this is another case of the media trying to scare people about gaming. Do they warn about hearing loss from blasting music at concerts or clubs? Not as much! So yeah, crank that volume knob down a bit if you need to. But don't stop fragging because of these overhyped news...