Recent content by RabindranathLuna

  1. RabindranathLuna

    Giveaway Win an EPOS | SENNHEISER GSP 370 headset in our SpecialEffect Awareness Campaign

    Amazing! Wish this was made sooner. This would've been much help for a guildie that does not play WoW anymore with me. Sadly he was in a car accident where he lost both his legs and had a severe back injury that didn't allow him to move his arms as he used to before... He had a hard time playing...
  2. RabindranathLuna

    Giveaway Win the AORUS FI27Q Gaming Monitor

    Mostly Cyberpunk 2077 but I can't wait to be able to play Kingdoms Under Fire II in a really good monitor so I can see everything that is happening a lot easier,