Recent content by Pkcable

  1. Pkcable

    Giveaway Win a Lenovo Legion Monitor, keyboard, mouse and more from PC Gamer!

    Playing Red Baron on an online service most of you have never heard of called ImagiNation Network or INN. Also playing PC games like Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D etc on Total Entertainment Network (now own as
  2. Pkcable

    Introduce yourself here!

    Hi Gang, Rich here, or pkcable or just PK as I am sometimes known. Came over from Mobile Nations where I volunteer as a Mod, and the Q&A Team Leader. I run a team of volunteers that answer questions at our sites. Although I do not play as much anymore, except for my addiction to Clash of...
  3. Pkcable

    Feature What game would make a great Netflix series?

    How about Castlevania?
  4. Pkcable

    Competition Win an EPIC Black Edition gaming chair from noblechairs!

    Going old school. “Its time to kick ass and chew gum, and I’m all out of gum!” - Duke Nukem