Recent content by petmalugb

  1. petmalugb

    Win A Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit Signed By Mike Pondsmith!

    I like my character to be the sneaky and stealthy type, sort of like an assassin or a mercenary for hire. But I could also go rogue / berserk-kill-all hybrid.
  2. petmalugb

    Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

    I want to explore the new world of Cyberpunk 2077. And I hope it would be as vast or greater than the Witcher 3's world.
  3. petmalugb

    Giveaway Win the AORUS FI27Q Gaming Monitor

    Hope to win this awesome monitor and play Cyberpunk 2077 on it!
  4. petmalugb

    Giveaway *Winner Announced!* The Games We Play - Win an amazing MSI Gaming hardware bundle!

    I will play Sekiro and PUBG on that MSI Optix Curved LED Gaming Monitor.