Recent content by PCGMollie

  1. PCGMollie

    Who's the best side character in the Fallout TV show?

    Yesss I really liked that dude too! I have a feeling it's not the last we've seen of him 👀 Also sidenote, I'm so gutted I was only three episodes in when we recorded this because I finished the rest of the show and I have So Many Thoughts!! Overall I really enjoyed it though, I am officially a...
  2. PCGMollie

    What's the first PC game you remember playing?

    Oh man, it's been so cool seeing all the different games you all played growing up! Always love to hear the differences in how people got into gaming, I remember when my Dad would always gush to me about the C64 days, though nowadays all he talks about is COD or whatever Tom Clancy game he's...
  3. PCGMollie

    Do you hate the "yellow paint on ledges" trick in games or does it have its place?

    Tell them they're on thin ice and I won't hesitate to loiter near the edge of a very tall cliff if they carry on. I do think ultimately it comes down to having the option for sure! Letting people turn the paint on and off would (hopefully) appease both sides. I think I'm the kind of person who...
  4. PCGMollie

    Does getting really good at a game ruin the fun for you?

    Yeah, I think a lot of it comes down to finding the balance! Especially in competitive/PvP games, gotta make sure you're having fun and protecting your peace as you advance through the ranks and get better 😅 I definitely think I get some fun from the learning process and the early days of...
  5. PCGMollie

    What makes you want to write or read a Steam review?

    I am a fellow single-digit reviewer on Steam! Turns out I've only written four: One I did for some sort of Steam badge, two when I was a wee wannabe games writer at university, and one for Final Fantasy 14 expressing my love of bunny boys (I do really love them!) I really thought she was gonna...
  6. PCGMollie

    What's your favorite Steam Next Fest demo this week?

    I'm officially back on the horse! :cool: Tried to do some Tekken 8 ranked grinding while I was still in the throes of the flu which was a terrible idea. Turns out Steam Next Fest demos are pretty perfect for bite-size gaming when you're stuck in bed for a few days. I was meaning to try this...
  7. PCGMollie

    What's your favorite game to watch speedruns of?

    This is defo one of my favourite things too! Watching people effortlessly run through a game, talking about what they're doing and having a blast while it's all happening is so interesting to me. I can barely focus on a game when my cat is yowling at me for food, let alone trying to talk my way...
  8. PCGMollie

    What's the best (or worst) tutorial in a game you've played?

    Writers can have a little hypocrisy, as a treat :cool: I can't explain it but I feel like if this were to happen for any game, it'd be EVE Online. I'm trying to think if I've ever hardlocked myself thanks to a tutorial before and I think the answer is no? I don't think I'd ever want that to...
  9. PCGMollie

    What are your 2024 gaming predictions and resolutions?

    Hey everyone! Excited to have this space to share with you all and hear some voices each week outside of our own :relaxed: This is a game that I keep forgetting about and every time Lauren reminds me about it, I get excited for it. Give me magic, fantasy, swords and cool armour, please!! I...