Recent content by ovidiusergiu86

  1. ovidiusergiu86

    What was the first video game you remember playing?

    I think Mario and Contra on a console named Terminator and Age of empires1, Warcraft 1, Diablo 1 on Pc.
  2. ovidiusergiu86

    Win A Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit Signed By Mike Pondsmith!

    She should have three titties like a Total recall assassin ***** with tech implants. maybe 2 vaginas?
  3. ovidiusergiu86

    Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

    I want to do beautiful mayhem. I hope there are 3 titties women out there!