Recent content by Nighthood

  1. Nighthood

    What are your operator mains in Rainbow Six Siege?

    I have to say, although I'm not convinced by the map I'm enjoying the limited time event, it's been great to actually try the operators before spending credits on them (turns out I don't like Nokk as much as I thought I would).
  2. Nighthood

    Help, I can't finish RPGs anymore

    I have the same problem. Despite knowing it's something I should like I could never get into Divinity Original Sin, and despite hating every minute of it I completed The Outer Worlds. Maybe the key factor is I just like FPS gameplay more, but I loved Disco Elysium and Shadowrun Dragonfall so...
  3. Nighthood

    For Arena Shooters, is Population King?

    This thread makes me wonder if there are many cases of competitive multiplayer FPS games by indie developers taking off? I can think of a few successful indie multiplayer survival FPS games, but it seems to me that if you want to make arena (or team based) competitive FPS you need to be a big...
  4. Nighthood

    Disco Elysium - The future of RPG gameplay?

    Well there you go, I suppose there really is something for everyone. I cheesed my way through Planescape Torment and vowed never again to play a game with that combat style. It's why this new generation of CRPGs has mostly passed me by, I just can't be bothered with the chore of combat.
  5. Nighthood

    Tower Defense Games

    It's been years since I played Orcs Must Die, but that one definitely hooked me. There's something about Tower Defence where once you start playing you just can't stop, until you finish or get stuck and drop it entirely. Or maybe that's just me.
  6. Nighthood

    Disco Elysium - The future of RPG gameplay?

    Disco Elysium was my GOTY, as I'm sure it was for a lot of people. I think one of my favourite things about it was its mechanics, which I've not seen before and made it feel much more in line with the old style of pen and paper RPGs. My question is, will we see a shift towards that style over...
  7. Nighthood

    Insurgency: Sandstorm. Play it.

    It has to be one of the most stressful games ever when you're getting shelled. The sound design is incredible.
  8. Nighthood

    FPS highlights of 2019

    I feel it's been a very lacklustre year for FPS. The only two I can remember playing are Metro Exodus and Rage 2. I dropped Rage 2 after a few hours of not enjoying it at all, and though I completed Metro Exodus I thought the whole thing was pretty uninspired overall. The writing felt poor...
  9. Nighthood

    What game(s) are you looking towards in 2020?

    Psychonauts 2 Half Life Alyx Cyberpunk 2077 Bloodlines 2 Ori and the Will of the Wisps A load of other things I may be forgetting All that said, my GOTY last year was Disco Elysium and I only heard about that a week before release. So maybe what I'm really looking forward to I just haven't...
  10. Nighthood

    Competition Win an EPIC Black Edition gaming chair from noblechairs!

    There's so many that it's hard to choose, but if I had to pick one that I find endlessly replayable it'd be Psychonauts.
  11. Nighthood

    What did you play last week?

    Max Payne 1 and 3 (I still need to get back to playing 2, I played 3 first for whatever reason). The first one still holds up, but damn is it brutal. Modern FPS gives you a lot more freedom to take your time, meanwhile Max Payne 1 one shot shotguns you in the chest as you walk round a corner.
  12. Nighthood

    What are your operator mains in Rainbow Six Siege?

    No matter how many new operators come out I'll always drift back to Rook and Mute with the MP5 on defence. I'll play whoever offensively, usually just to get the extra credits from the club reward, but when defending those will forever be my guys. That gun is a headshot laser beam.
  13. Nighthood

    Civ 6, Civ 5, Civ 4. FIGHT!

    I was big into Civ V but I'm finally getting into Civ VI after realising that the game is genuinely fun if you switch the barbarians off. I dropped the game for two years because of those barbarians. Also the red death mode is surprisingly fun for a battle royale gimmick. I usually avoid combat...
  14. Nighthood

    Introduce yourself here!

    Hi all. I used to be a part of the PCG UK community years ago, probably about a decade ago now (what a horrible thought). I still play plenty of stuff (FPS like R6S, some Civ, loads of singleplayer RPGs), but fell out of multiplayer communities due to work and life making it difficult...