Recent content by luca031_

  1. luca031_

    Pc build for gaming

    Italy budjet for pc is about 900/1000 with graphic card
  2. luca031_

    Pc build for gaming

    Ok thank you, i make another question, i see that rtx 2060 normal price is about 300$, if it's true is good to buy it?
  3. luca031_

    Pc build for gaming

    Yes maybe price difference and the performance of these two (budget of about 200 euros for cpu)
  4. luca031_

    Pc build for gaming

    I mean integrated graphic card
  5. luca031_

    Pc build for gaming

    Hi guys! I'm looking to build a pc for gaming, but i see that graphic cards are overpriced so i want to do a build without the graphic card, i want to ask what it's worth to buy between i5-10400(UHD 630) and i5-11400(UHD730). sorry for the bad english and for the processors information if they...