Recent content by Lee_Bo

  1. Lee_Bo

    What was the first video game you remember playing?

    Pong on Atari 2600
  2. Lee_Bo

    Feature The PC Gamer Folding@home Team (Team 241865)

    Just started. Thanks.
  3. Lee_Bo

    Working from home? Show us your setup!

    Just a bunch of laptops. But here's the backbone. :)
  4. Lee_Bo

    Baldur's Gate III

    I know that feeling. I finally got into a really good weekly D&D game. Looking forward to this.
  5. Lee_Bo

    ssd nvme, any good?

    Pretty much my exact thoughts.
  6. Lee_Bo

    What headset, keyboard and mouse are you currently using?

    Headset: Arctis Pro Wireless Keyboard: Logitech K800 Wireless Illuminated Keyboard Mouse: Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball Mouse
  7. Lee_Bo

    Who's your favorite video game AI character?

    I'm gonna show my age here but Duke Nukem! Ok, not really AI, but still pretty cool.
  8. Lee_Bo

    Time-Limited edit on posts?

    And their #1 post is a spam post. :-)
  9. Lee_Bo

    Don't publish post count

    And yet, here you are, joining in a conversation as just a normal everyday person. One thing I make a priority is to jump into as many threads as I as a normal everyday user and not someone with a title under their name.
  10. Lee_Bo

    Oldest part of your PC that you still use today?

    Dell Precision M4700 laptop, i7 8-core processor, 32 gigs of ram. Still runs great and use it all the time.
  11. Lee_Bo

    Feature What game did you have to quit for your own well-being?

    Evercrack. I mean, Everquest. Played nonstop.
  12. Lee_Bo

    Time-Limited edit on posts?

    Love this. It really does help out.
  13. Lee_Bo

    Never thought it would be me posting here, but...

    And in reply to @Rensje's post for those of us on iPhone: Monument Valley: Laura Croft GO: The Trail: Now that I found...
  14. Lee_Bo

    WoW, ESO, SWTOR, & FF14 thread

    I may end up reactivating my WOW account again. Heard some things have been changed and want to take a look. More importantly, I miss my Hordies. :-)
  15. Lee_Bo

    What did you play last week?

    Been playing Warcraft III: Reforged since launch. Don't really love it but don't hate it either. It's ok.