Recent content by LanACDC

  1. L

    Giveaway This September win an EPOS | SENNHEISER GSP 370 headset from SpecialEffect!

    I like the idea of a surround sound gaming chair as well!
  2. L

    Weekend Question: How do you name RPG characters?

    Usually I base the characters off of OCs I've already made. I'm playing skyrim as my Orc Bard, Goz, right now.
  3. L

    Giveaway PC Gamer is giving away 50 copies of Blightbound!

    This looks cool! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
  4. L

    Giveaway Win an epic DOOM Edition HERO Series Gaming Chair from noblechairs and PC Gamer!

    My current gaming chair is literally a stiff wooden chair that came from the kitchen with a pillow on top. Send Help.