Recent content by kokirae

  1. kokirae

    Giveaway Win an EPOS | SENNHEISER GSP 370 headset in our SpecialEffect Awareness Campaign

    Seeing these people's genuine joy makes me incredibly happy :") major kudos to everyone over at SpecialEffect, you guys are doing amazing work! All the technological increases in accessibility just blow my mind, the eye tracking especially.
  2. kokirae

    Win A Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit Signed By Mike Pondsmith!

    My favorite type of character is one that's a traitor to their class, so I like to imagine this corporate business person, having crawled their way up the caste system and is now living in luxury, now uses their position to fight for those underneath them, since they remember where their roots...
  3. kokirae

    Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

    God, I'm excited for everything, I can't even decide!! My top three points are: - the atmosphere and story (I LOVE cyberpunk worlds) - seeing all the types of cybernetic body modifications and playing around with them - cyber sabers!! I saw those sword mounts in V's apartment, and I am soo...