Recent content by Jutsun

  1. J

    Weekend Question: How much free storage space have you got on your PC?

    I have half of my SSD full of games already. It's easy so easy to isntall them but then it's hard to find the time to play all the amazing games that are out there, so I just keep piling them up but end up not playing...
  2. J

    Fallout inspired indie hardcore isometric cRPG SpaceWreck

    No! It's actually not too early! We'll post about it here soon as we have something big coming up in a few days! Thank you for your interest. :)
  3. J

    Fallout inspired indie hardcore isometric cRPG SpaceWreck

    Very nice! I'm actually working closely with a team of gamedevs that are very inspired by Fallout as well, although their approach is more similar to those of more modern installments of the franchise. Good luck with the game. :)
  4. J

    Roguelike & Roguelite, what do these terms really mean?

    I've spent a decent amount of hours in games of this kind, especially indies (although they weren't necessarily RPGs), and I still never understood well the difference. I actually don't know if I'd be able to play an RPG that has perma-death... Thank you for this thread regardless!