Recent content by jasen

  1. jasen

    Weekend Question: How do you hold a controller?

    I play ps4 but i shoot with the bumpers instead of the triggers so I keep my thumbs on the joysticks and have my index fingers on the bumpers and middle fingers on the triggers. it comes in handy when playing cod
  2. jasen

    Weekend Question: What loot would you drop?

    A pencil, a green day t-shirt, a purple hat and a yellow star sticker saying you did your best.
  3. jasen

    Weekend Question: What's the first game you remember finishing?

    Super Mario Galaxy without a doubt. The Super Paper Mario.
  4. jasen

    Weekend Question: What game has loading screens that don't suck?

    i really like smash ultimate's loading screen im bad at smash so being able to train while i wait is pretty cool.
  5. jasen

    What was the first video game you remember playing?

    My first game I ever remember playing was Tetris. I was playing with my dad when I was about 5.
  6. jasen

    Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

    What I'm most looking forward to is self insert. I say this shamelessly, I want to make myself and play him in the game and do the missions as if im the one that will face the consequences irl.
  7. jasen

    Introduce yourself here!

    I'm jasen. yes thats my irl name. i like anime and drawing and i want to be an animator as a profession. My hobbies are playing Minecraft with the boys, researching fulldive vr, watching people make swords and knives, especially japanese ones, and playing video games. I like anime tid.
  8. jasen

    Question Mid-Week Question: If your eyes had a HUD, what info would you want it to display?

    I would definitely want my hunger/thirst levels and body temps also a "battery" status that says how long I can stay awake before crashing. edit: a built in feature that can translate different languages thats translated with contextual speaking