Recent content by Jambulator

  1. J

    Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

    I'm looking forward to becoming immersed in a vision of the potential future. The apparent benefits of technological advances coupled with the unregulated gonna on in the exploitative underworld all wrapped in the technopunk neon musings of Projekt Red's beautifully realised world. Can't. Wait...
  2. J

    Win A Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit Signed By Mike Pondsmith!

    The character would be unassuming. Androgenous; average height, and build. Quick on their feet. Skilled in the access and use of a variety of hardware and software. Smart. Silent. Deadly. Oh and a tattoo. Base of the skull. Under the hair. It would say "the biz" or "#1" or be a smiley face...