Recent content by IrisEdgeStudios

  1. IrisEdgeStudios

    Boss Fights—who needs 'em?

    Depends a lot on what you define boss battles. For example, a slightly harder enemy to avoid game repetition I believe fits perfectly fine! Now a hardcore enemy that appears and forces you to memorize its moves and the holy bible makes a person frustrated and I am not a fan of such a thing. But...
  2. IrisEdgeStudios

    Introduce yourself here!

    Heyo! New to the community, lurked around for months but finally decided to create an account and be active. Especially since developing my first game i've grown closer to the gaming community than ever. Thanks! Cheers ;)
  3. IrisEdgeStudios

    farcry 6 is it good

    Exactly my words. Get it, its good if you like the series