Recent content by godofwar2143

  1. godofwar2143

    Giveaway Win an EPOS | SENNHEISER GSP 370 headset in our SpecialEffect Awareness Campaign

    I think this is gonna be really helpful for kids so that they can enjoy and do what everyone is doing and be happy
  2. godofwar2143

    Giveaway Win Atomhawk Swag and a Copy of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition!

    Oh i want this game so much its a classic plus higher def 💕
  3. godofwar2143

    Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

    Ive played so many games and cyberpunk is giving me the goosebumps! I really want to play and discover the story of this game i had so much hype for😁 plus theres the most breathtaking man keanu reeves xd