Recent content by Garasparn

  1. Garasparn

    What was the first video game you remember playing?

    Nice games really. My game of choice will be Comix Zone and Syberia
  2. Garasparn

    Question Your favorite minigame

    Maybe Blitzball would be my favorite also but i can remember that i actually liked those rocket minigame in Crisis Core. I likedFF VII and even played Crisis Core on PSP Go and can't wait for the remaster or remake or what there are planning to do, but it doesn't matter as i personally glad...
  3. Garasparn

    Question empire earth

    It's like a civilization but an RTS, also i wouldn't compare it with AOE
  4. Garasparn

    passed a game...proud of my self.

    Never heard, but game looks not bad. To me it sees like Contra plus Castlevania=) Anyway, what game can i suggest to you? What genre maybe?
  5. Garasparn

    What was the first video game you remember playing?

    Easy. It was Star Wars Galactic battlegrounds:Clone campaigns
  6. Garasparn

    What is the best RPG game of all time ?

    For me it'll always be Final Fantasy series, especially parts VII, VIII and X
  7. Garasparn

    Retro Gaming Devices

    Well i would like to buy it actually. The last "retro" console i bought a couple of years age was PS3, and i actually enjoy playing it, though this is not the best console
  8. Garasparn

    The last game you completed

    It was Yakuza 0, and i've earned platinum trophy