Frag Maniac's latest activity

  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    Well, the 2nd bike related item I ordered arrived, but technically it can also be used for tightening lug nuts on a vehicle. It's...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub. vs is a realistic problem though, and something you don't have to worry about with Nm. Yeah as much as I love the look of...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    I went kind of bonkers on some closeout items, all bike related. First to arrive is this nice little torque wrench/tool kit I got off...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    Yeah and the gas prices here don't help either. Cheapest I can get it is around $4.10 a gal. That's a bummer that you can't go high...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    Yeah the cost of gas alone has me thinking Bellingham's Galbraith mt trails and Olympia's Capitol State Forest trails are the new...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    Yeah those vids confirm trail ratings are relative to the area you ride in. I'm not sure anyone where I live would call the trails in...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    So you do ride single diamond black trails then? You do know those are considered lvl 4 Enduro class, with up to 4' drops right? If...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    I'm not sure what that Orbea you posted weighs, but 34mm stanchion forks on any e-bike with that much travel seems like it would cause...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    It's the bronze one I prefer, which oddly enough they call Cinnabon. Somehow I picture myself as Saul Goodman of Better Call Saul riding...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    Wow, my very first mt bike was a steel white, fully rigid Trek, and it had rack mount bosses on it top and bottom just like yours. I'm...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    Bowling is fun, but I never developed a proper release. A friend once tried to show me how it's done, saying it shouldn't be necessary...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    That Cannondale pic reminded me I had a Cannondale way back in 1992 called the Delta V1000. I had bar ends on mine and I recall doing a...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    Yeah, the lat is slowly healing, though pretty sore still. For about a week now I've been able to get back to my morning stretching...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    "Bin" bags, like garbage can bags? Where I just moved to, we are fortunate enough here to still have trash chutes. Most of this...
  • Frag Maniac
    Frag Maniac replied to the thread Coconut Monkey Cornerclub.
    Well, we survived a rather nasty windstorm here last night, which was the residual effects of the bomb cyclone that hit the Oregon...