Recent content by DesolationGod

  1. DesolationGod

    What games were turning points for you?

    the mass effect and fallout series really got me into RPGs, prior to that i was more into shooters/racers/sports games primarily.
  2. DesolationGod

    Question What RPG Characters have you Dated/Had Relationships With?

    mass effect trilogy... Liara... everytime i do a new playthrough i tell myself ill choose someone new.... then i go with liara Lol
  3. DesolationGod

    Weekend question: What game do you keep restarting but never finish?

    for me witcher 2.... ive restarted it like 4 times and always lose interest in continuing around the same parts.. Dragon age inquistion was another, i made several characters but never finished the story fully on any, game is just so long and tedious
  4. DesolationGod

    WoW, ESO, SWTOR, & FF14 thread

    Swtor i keep going back to periodically for the story aspects, but really cannot bring myself to give a damn about endgame content lol
  5. DesolationGod

    What game(s) are you looking towards in 2020?

    cyberpunk 2077 and the new microsoft flight sim is looking pretty awesome