Recent content by Dead2009

  1. Dead2009

    February 2025 General Game Discussion Thread

    I'm finally almost done Until Dawn on PS5 lol.
  2. Dead2009

    December 2024 General Game Discussion Thread Another TMNT game I gotta get? Sign me up!
  3. Dead2009

    Movies you're watching

    Eh it could have been better I thought.
  4. Dead2009

    Movies you're watching

    The Front Room Talk to Me
  5. Dead2009

    November 2024 General Gaming Discussion Thread

    Been playing way too much WWE 2K24 this month, haha
  6. Dead2009

    Haunted House Type Attractions

    Ive heard that people got paid if they finished the entire attraction, not entirely sure how true that is.
  7. Dead2009

    Question Games to play tournaments?

    Probably anything sports related TBH.
  8. Dead2009

    October 2024 General Game Discussion Thread

    Also bought Gargoyles Remastered last night as well
  9. Dead2009

    October 2024 General Game Discussion Thread

    I just bought the Halloween side scrolling game on Switch, you get to play as Michael Myers this go round so hopefully it isn't too short.
  10. Dead2009

    Haunted House Type Attractions

    During the Halloween season, do you go to the haunted house type attractions that are open throughout the month? When I mean attractions, I mean stuff like this View: I've been to Field of Screams, Jason's Woods over the years and they're all...
  11. Dead2009

    Dealing with the lot of cyber bullying

    I can honestly say I've never been bullied online in a game, mainly cause I dont use a headset and mute their mics
  12. Dead2009

    What was the first video game you remember playing?

    It goes back to the Atari 2600 but I can't remember the game. The game I do remember however is the first Mario on NES.
  13. Dead2009

    Finished TV series—who watches?

    Finished a doc style series called Horror's Finest. It went through certain horror movie genres each episode.
  14. Dead2009

    What past game deserves a sequel that hasnt had one yet? (2024)

    Crash Team Racing Knack 2 Littlebigplanet 3 (and the racing game, too)
  15. Dead2009

    The Addams Family Film Universe Thread

    I have in fact seen all of these and this is my ranking: 5. Addams Family Reunion 4. The Addams Family 2 (2021) 3. The Addams Family (2019) 2. Addams Family Values 1. The Addams Family (1991)