Recent content by Dan

  1. Dan

    Old games revisited.

    I've been streaming The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall - there is a Unity version which makes the game look more 'up-to-date' than the original. I'm having fun so far, glad to be streaming it so that people are able to help me when I get stuck. I recently purchased this CRPG book, so plan on...
  2. Dan

    Searching for game

    Do you know roughly when the game was released, or at least when you may have played it? Was the game top down, third person? etc
  3. Dan

    Monitors—how many do you game on?

    Yes, yes - work and study. Definitely not because I upgraded the 27" from another 22", and all 3 monitors wouldn't fit on my triple monitor arm anymore.
  4. Dan

    Question Is Halo Infinite DOA?

    Just started playing this yesterday, and I am enjoying it so far. I am not sure how I feel about the open world aspect. I haven't played a classic Ubisoft 'Do these optional things on the map' game for a very long time, so even though i'm not burnt out on those game mechanics, I do just seem...
  5. Dan

    Monitors—how many do you game on?

    I use 3 monitors, but only 1 for gaming. 27" 1440p for my middle 'main' monitor. A 22" 1080p on the left, and have a vertical 22" 1080p on the right.
  6. Dan

    Headshot percentage—what's yours? [New Poll December 7th]

    The lack of poll options under 50% upsets me. My % can depend on the game, but it is normally around 30%. I do a lot of supression fire though, and will pre-fire locations I expect the enemy to be.
  7. Dan

    Have you ever uploaded gaming related videos to YouTube or streamed your play on Twitch?

    I actually streamed on Twitch for the first time last week. Not sure if it is something I will do often, but I certainly see the appeal to it. Had 30 unique views, and 6 chatters. I can blabber on for hours about what i'm doing in the game, not sure if it is entertaining though!
  8. Dan

    The last game you completed

    I actually recently completed 2 games, something that rarely happens (these 2 games were both pretty short). The Lord of the Rings: War in the North - Played this originally on 360, but never completed it, and then on the Onlive streaming platform (which I also didn't complete it on). This...
  9. Dan

    What is your go prone key?

    I use one of the 3 side buttons on my mouse for prone. A few times I will hit it accidentally and the enemy gets angry at me for dropshotting.
  10. Dan

    I need more room on my PC

    I've got a 1TB SSD that I use for games that I play the most, and a 4TB 7200RPM for other games.
  11. Dan

    Question What old games hold their own against modern games

    I still play Red Orchestra 2 every now and again, and it still holds its own as one of the best multiplayer shooters.
  12. Dan

    Mass effect remastered, I'm psyched

    I didn't get on with Mass Effect 1 AT ALL back when it was released I found it extremely tedious. I tried to get into it multiple times, but just never could. That was a long time ago, and my gaming tastes have definitely changed since then, so I am willing to give this yet another chance and...
  13. Dan

    What made you take the leap to PC?

    My dad got me started in the 90s with DOS gaming, and I've never stopped PC gaming since. I prefer the type of games available to me on PC, I like gaming at my desk with a mouse and keyboard, and I also enjoy being able to use my computer for more than just gaming. I remember always going to...
  14. Dan

    WoW, ESO, SWTOR, & FF14 thread

    Back into ESO again after not playing since a massive binge at the start of lockdown. Since the latest expansion won't have a physical collectors edition, I decided to buy the Morrowind physical collectors edition from eBay, as it was the only one I needed to complete my collection.
  15. Dan

    Did you guys use this mic?

    I remember playing Socom on the PS2 that has that functionality, it was a great game. I was always trying to tell the friendly AI to shoot each other, but they just never would.