Recent content by Crowe

  1. Crowe

    Seeking help with buying a RELIABLE pre-built gaming PC It wouldn't be too bad to upgrade this to 32Gb within your budget.
  2. Crowe

    evaluating joy sticks

    What are you wanting to use the stick(s) for? Flight sims? Elite? Star Citizen? IT's probably a good idea to look at reviews of sticks in your budget that are available by people playing the same game(s) in order to to see how well it works for it. Ideally, find somewhere you can try it for...
  3. Crowe


    Absolutely you'd be doing much better with a dedicated graphics card to make those games playable... 16GB is much better than 8GB, also, as it reduces the time your system has to spend swapping data back and forth - Even a decent NVMe SSD is still a lot slower than your RAM. Graphics cards are...
  4. Crowe


    How much memory, and what video card? What games are you trying to play. The CPU and board should be fine for most things.
  5. Crowe

    Pre Built gaming desktops currys pc world

    At that price point these days, a 1660 Super is about right unfortunately. Have you considered the HP Omen 25L? It's a new 5600G CPU, 16GB of RAM and a 12Gb 3060 - Could be better, but still above a 1660 Super!
  6. Crowe

    Looking for what is the difference between these two setups?

    Basically, the ASUS is charging you $200 more for a processor upgrade and a bigger SSD(512Gb vs 240Gb)... Both seem fair for the price overall at current rates.
  7. Crowe

    Question New Pc what can I reuse from Old Pc?

    I'd argue now You could just reflash your existing motherboard, swap the CPU and RAM, and then get money back on the board to use against your graphics card upgrade. There's already an OK jump in performance between the CPUs, and the motherboards are both X570...
  8. Crowe

    Gaming PC update needed.

    I'd say that you'd benefit most from a decent SSD, and possibly consider an updated video card with a little more memory - I had a 1060 3B for a while, and saw a small improvement on moving to a 6GB card when I had an option. But only once the prices of cards comes down a lot!! Possibly a 1660.
  9. Crowe

    Need help upgrading my pc!

    I'll admit that I had a very similar setup with the same motherboard a few years back, and it was great at the time. The build you've been recommended is pretty solid. For future-proofing, I might suggest looking for a b550 board - I'm on a b450 myself and recently moved from a Ryzen 2600 to a...
  10. Crowe

    Pc Specialist

    It's not a bad system. As Boon said, another 8GB of RAM should be fine, ATM I'm running a 2600, 1650 OC and 16GB and it handles most things fine on an ultrawide LG 29" monitor, and that's a respectable price for the PC
  11. Crowe

    Giveaway Become the kingpin when you win this Razer prize package from Cartel Tycoon! (US Only)

    Definitely interested int he atmospherics, soundtrack, etc as I love the 80s - I was too young to really enjoy it first time round!!
  12. Crowe

    8GB (2XGB Dual Channel) OR 10 GB?

    He did specify in his first message about compilation ability and such, so the dual channel may make a difference as much as capacity
  13. Crowe

    8GB (2XGB Dual Channel) OR 10 GB?

    I'd prob stick to dual channel 2 x 4Gb. Dual channel really needs a matched pair to work well, and that will give more benefits than an extra 2Gb
  14. Crowe

    Where did all the joysticks go?

    It's true - Sitting in the groups for elite Dangerous it's positively scary some of their rigs - And once you're in the serious or semi-serious flight sim areas.... Wow.
  15. Crowe

    Question Need help in upgrading Lenovo Legion

    Not a problem :)