Recent content by Atekk920

  1. A

    Witcher 3, is this quest glitched or am I missing something?

    So I went into the fast travel menu and found no markers anywhere except the one I was currently at... Then I back out another level to see all the kingdoms and sure enough the quest marker led back to Velen. Story is moving along now. Thanks all!
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    Witcher 3, is this quest glitched or am I missing something?

    In my defense I DO NOT ever play RPG's - always been a high paced shooter type of player (see: Unreal Tournament) I'm about to fire up the Witcher after my shift...if it really is THAT simple, I may just sell my rig.... Everyone's advice gave me something new to go on. Thanks all!
  3. A

    Witcher 3, is this quest glitched or am I missing something?

    I'll just post a screeny - easy that I glitched, or lost? Screenshot
  4. A

    PS5 controllers on PC - your experience?

    I have been a dedicated Xbox controller user since the original 360 wired controller (still have it, still works too!). I currently have the Elite v2 for quite some time and I love it. I plug it in, i use a very simple software suite to customize and it just works in every game that allows you...
  5. A

    A game you wanted to like but you just couldn't?

    honestly cant remember the details. this was all the way back in late 90's - I want to say the protagonist was Cloud? I remember some sort of Diablo spell that called forth a massive fire demon. It was alot of walking around and randomly being thrown into the battle menu as you wander across an...
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    After 30+ years of gaming, I find myself bored and alone in cyberspace.

    Sad, sad moment. Over the years all my friends that I used to play games with have moved on to other hobbies or bigger priorities. After a recent purge my friends lists are practically empty on all platforms. Anyone interested in playing games once or twice a week? I am a casual but...
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    A game you wanted to like but you just couldn't?

    Many over the years but the standouts for me as I think.... The BIG two that everyone will gasp at. 1. Any game in the Fallout franchise. Granted I was much younger at the time I tried Fallout 3, but I just didn't enjoy it - story kicked off too slow, back then if I wasn't blowing something up...
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    Looking to play something different than my usual genre. Suggestions for an RPG in my backlog.

    I narrowed the backlog from 40 to 6 candidates and really just couldn't commit to one. The poll made it easy for me to "make the jump". The opinions of gamers hold more weight for me than the opinion of journalists. Journalists are paid to say a game is great or garbage. Gamers speak from...
  9. A

    The last game you completed

    Last game I completed was Prey (2017) along with 12 others in 2023. Maybe this year I should go outside more? I would rate it around 7 or 8 of 10. Really messed with my head and kept me on my toes. Would play again, and would also play through the DLC's
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    Looking to play something different than my usual genre. Suggestions for an RPG in my backlog.

    About 60 hours into W3's original main story and side quests so far and its been fantastic - this game is exactly what I was looking for! So much different than something like Cyberpunk or Deus Ex (also great games) Such a great experience. This game could come out tomorrow for the very first...
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    Just finished Prey (2017). Loved it!

    I've already owned it for quite some time and have been through all of the ME games at least 3 times over, but never fired up the "legendary edition". Achievements aren't my thing so I'm ok there. I'm mostly interested on the overhaul they gave the first game in the trilogy and of course it will...
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    Just finished Prey (2017). Loved it!

    I just might be lol.. I had lots of time for gaming in 2023. Before Prey I went through both Deus Ex games, The Outer Worlds, HZD, and prior to that was Bioshock. I'm eyeballing Mass Effect Legendary and Cyberpunk as my next two. I've been playing in the competitive shooter genre just jumping...
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    Just finished Prey (2017). Loved it!

    I turn around in game "Wait? That coffee cup wasnt there bef....AHH CRAP!"
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    Just finished Prey (2017). Loved it!

    I'd say this lands in the category of one of those really great games that just didn't get the big publicity of titles like HZD that year, so its possible some may have never heard of it or even gave it a second glance. A definite gem that flew under the radar. I love a game with an amazing...
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    Just finished Prey (2017). Loved it!

    I read almost nothing coming into this game, did very little research, and I had no idea what to expect. I just knew that it was a Sci-Fi\Suspense\Survival RPG (which is totally my style). I was not even sure it was going to be worth playing. I'll keep it pretty quick - My mind is blown.... the...